Chapter 2: Angelico Soriano

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Monday, August 14

"Okay, Angel, we're here! Ready for your first day of high school!?"

"I guess so."

"What do you mean you guess so? High school was a great experience for me and it should be for you!"


"Just trust me on this. Like elementary and middle school, you only get one chance at an experience like this. All you gotta do is make the most of it, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah... okay."

"...Um, just... remember this spot, I'll make sure to pick you up here every day, got it?"

"Sure." *steps out of the car*

"Have a great first day Angel, I love you!"

"..." *slams the door shut*

If you want to know what Angel's expression looked like during that whole exchange, just use this emoji:

If you want to know what Angel's expression looked like during that whole exchange, just use this emoji:

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Angelico Soriano is a complex individual. If he had a dollar for every time he laughed at whatever, he would be a lot more broke than he already is. And it's not like Angel has a problem with trying to express himself, it's just that he's just... soulless. There's no other way to say it, his permanently dull expression combined with his cold demeanor isn't attracting anyone toward him whatsoever. Not like he cares to make any new friends or even bother to care for anything, not even the way he dresses. It doesn't matter that his black leather jacket looks the coolest, or that his tanned skin and medium-length hair is the type of style that can attract some girls. Angel just doesn't want that attention, or even want to show up to school. Take Angel's first class for example.

*Bell Rings*

"Okay everybody," the teacher said, "time for an ice breaker! In your four-people table groups, introduce yourself and two things you did over the summer."

Angel was the last to go, and he let out a big sigh before talking with as minimal words as he could. "Hi. I go by Angel, and I didn't do anything this summer so I can't say two things." Considering the other three tablemates gave lengthy responses and even made small talk out of it, they were all surprised at how short that was and confused about how to respond afterward. So they didn't, they saw the look in his eyes and knew he wasn't going to care enough to follow up nor start a conversation.

Do you know that moment when it's awkward silence waiting for every other group to be done? That moment kicked into Angel's group for the rest of that ice breaker session.

It's not an exaggeration when it's said that Angel's dull and uninterested face was slapped onto him the whole day. Not to mention he always looks down, so during lunch, he'd never see people fighting for the front of the lunch line, the few groups of people looking at how cool his jacket design is, and that girl sitting near a classroom alone.

What's sad about Angel and his stale personality is that he wasn't like this just years earlier. When he was a kid, he was always adored by his family for being the sweet and happy child. It was like he was the embodiment of his nickname, he was an Angel. Never making trouble, always wanting to play games and randomly wants to dance around to whatever music.

He was also incredibly fond of his older cousin, Rosalina, or Rosa for short, and Rosa was so fond of Angel as well she quickly became a part of his life since he was born. Their bond was so close that if anyone had to take over as Angel's mom, Rosa would be the one no doubt. And spoiler alert: that's what actually happened. You'd think Angel would be fine with Rosa taking care of him in a legal standpoint, but he's not. The reason for this might be the most obvious one, but for any still questioning there's a clue on what happened after Angel's first day of school.

He'd go through the first day of school and be picked up where Rosa said so. "Hey there! How was school?" Rosa asked excitedly, always hoping for a different answer.

"Fine," Angel responded a little irritatedly.

"Fine as in...?"

"It's the first day, nothing's supposed to happen."

"I... guess that makes sense, but hey, you already got one foot into the door now, all the good parts about high school will roll in throughout the year. It happened with me so it should happen with you."

"Yeah, I guess so..." Angel said in a slightly different tone. Rosa was able to catch that because she knew what today also is.

"Look, Angel, I know as well as you what today is. And I'm sorry I tried to push that away, I just wanted you to appreciate yourself coming this far in your education because I know your--"

"It's not about that. Can we just go home already?" Angel responded abruptly.


It was a silent car ride home.

Angel entered his room and immediately laid down on his bed. He had a few picture frames on his nightstand but he grabbed one that has a special meaning to look at it more closely...

"Happy birthday, Mom."

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