Chapter 38: Their First... Date

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Friday, March 30th

"Hey... so now what?"

"We can... go back to my house, play some games on the Wii, and reintroduce you to my parents."

"Hmph, good enough... your dad is not gonna kill me, right? Homecoming date and boyfriend are two different things you know.

"Hehe, just don't hurt me in anyway again and you'll be okay."

"Easy. Hey, if we're gonna just relax at your house now, for the rest of today... should we talk about our first date?"

"Hehe, I don't think that's how you normally ask people out on a first date. I think you just give out an idea and it's up to the other person."

"Clearly this is new for us, heh. But now that it's too late to restart, what do you wanna do? We got the whole spring break now."

"... ... Next Monday? I got the perfect idea!"

"Say no more. Let's get out of here now." They hold hands as they leave the bridge and the woods.

Monday, April 2nd

12:45 PM

After a trim at the barber shop, a different design on his leather jacket and t-shirt, and a new set of jeans and sneakers, Angel was ready for his first date with Marcie.

He emerged from his room to show off to Rosa who was pretty impressed.

"Mmm! Okay then, Angel!" Rosa said, trying to gas him up.

"What's your criticism, Mom?" Angel asked, reading past Rosa and seeing a concerned face.

"I guess you two are still young for fancy kinds of first dates, but I guess I was expecting you to be a little more formal, you know? Did Marcie tell you otherwise?"

"Marcie is radio silent about the details, we just got to go to her house. Although, after begging for a clue by text, she told me that I do not need to go all 'suit and tie' and be a lot more on the casual side. So here you go."

"If that's what she says, then you do fit the role excellently," Rosa said, now with more honesty in it, "Now lover boy, it's time to bounce!"

1:00 PM

After making sure he was still fresh, Angel rang the doorbell.

"Coming!" That was definitely Marcie's voice behind the door.

Angel was ready to see Marcie, but not what he had in mind first...

*Door Opens*


"OH WHAT THE FUCK—" Angel flinched at Marcie who was wearing a blanket above her head, but has a scary clown mask on top of it. Her jumping very close to his face was what got him for a split second.

"Happy Late April Fools Day!"

"There's no way that is a thing. Is this really why you wanted this today and not over the weekend?"

"Better late than never, buuuut I wanted some alone time over the weekend with my girlfriends to do a little shopping trip... even to Hot Topic." Marcie giggled.

She then removed her little costume and revealed herself.

Angel's jaw fell.

Her hair was tied into one singular braid on the side, her eyeglasses frames were switched up so it's white and round, and she had a denim jacket, a cute Pokémon t-shirt, a long skirt and sneakers. A girl who looks pretty and cute at the same time, Angel hasn't fainted at all in his life and that was so close to changing.

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