Chapter 30: Ghosted?

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Wednesday, February 14th

11:00 PM; Angel's House

Angel didn't turn his phone off, so he did get all the text notifications from Marcie. But he wouldn't dare to open them, let alone respond. It's not because he's mad at her, but he doesn't want to feel any more pain from her. Even if she will never mean to hurt Angel that way, it's still gonna hurt trying to talk to her with the information he has. The only reason he left her on read was to prove he is still alive, but besides that, he spent tonight laying in his dark room until he finally was spared of his mental torture and drifted off to sleep.

For the next week, Marcie would not interact with Angel once. She would not even get a single wave in because she has not seen him at all. Angel not responding to texts, in general, isn't helping with her worry for him either. Due to his reputation with her group, obviously, she'd be the only one to worry about his whereabouts and figured it's pointless to bring it up to them since most of them still haven't forgiven him for the fight with Teo. So in every lunchtime/after-school activity, she'd still smile and have fun with everybody, but the thought of Angel would always stay sitting on her mind.

But obviously, Angel wouldn't know that when he'd spy on Marcie. The reality is Angel is really good at hiding in the shadows, and is only doing so in order to watch over Marcie and make sure she's still okay. After the shit he saw on Valentine's Day, Angel figured that perhaps it's better if he resets his role back to just spying because again, that's the most he can do at this point to make sure Marcie will be just fine. However, let's just say he wasn't having a good time in that process. Forget misunderstandings. Everything he saw and is seeing in his POV is making him believe differently.

Exhibit A: Thursday, February 15th

The day after Valentine's Day, Angel took a hard look at Marcie and Teo leaving PE class. Considering what he saw the day prior, he's surprised they're not holding hands right now. But being so pessimistic as of late, Angel found himself making a big deal of how physically close they still are... damn.

Exhibit B: Monday, February 19th

One Day Marcie's group decided to start playing different card games like UNO at the boba place, and the chaos that ensued seemed to contain a lot of fun and hilarity. Marcie hasn't laughed that much before... damn.

Exhibit C: Wednesday, February 21st

This was surprising, Starla and Marcie happened to bump into each other during lunch period. Angel couldn't hear the dialogue, but he was ready to strike back god forbid Starla started something... but he didn't need to because this time around, Marcie was with Pauline. Albeit Pauline nor anybody in the group knows little about that part of Marcie's past, Pauline did not have the disrespectful crap Starla was trying to say to Marcie. Angel couldn't hear Starla nor Marcie from afar, but he damn sure heard Pauline verbally talking back... damn she's loud... However, the fact that Marcie has other means of backup against that annoying pest... damn.

Seeing her interact with her friends and even... him... during lunch and sometimes after school, whilst doing so happily, Angel is starting to draw conclusions that were strengthening by the day. It didn't feel long ago when Angel and Marcie were talking about how Angel felt he was replaced and is slowly losing Marcie. There can be debates on why so the first time: either it was Marcie not balancing her time with her group and Angel at the start, or it was on Angel for starting the fight against Teo and in a way blacklisting himself from the whole group. However, there's no mistake this time, as it's happening all over again, but the blame is this time placed on Angel because he's distancing himself intentionally as a form of self-sacrifice.

Angel's POV

My feelings for Marcie... due to what actually happened, it was all selfish from me at the end of the day. How could I forget that for a fleeting moment, I chose my crush on her, my own damn happiness, over her happiness.

That's how it was this whole time huh? I came into Marcie's life as her bodyguard, her shield, her cocoon before she can grow to fly off freely. I started off like that to her, and now I gotta go back to it but not in the same manner anymore.

It fucking sucks how complicated this bullshit is, but it's all for Marcie. Because as her bodyguard, I value what makes her happy more than anything. If Teo is right in that she's happier with her group and... with his punk-ass... then that's how it should be from now on.

Actually... what I saw with Pauline and Starla, do I even need to stick around anymore? I shouldn't even complain about it, but even that part of my job is being taken care of now? I believe Pauline has the talk and the power to repel Starla for good... so to hell with stopping her from hurting Marcie... to hell with everything. Marcie finds new happiness, she found new safety... and apparently, she found new l-l-love...

I guess I'll always cherish the memories with her, but soon enough they'll take over that part of her life too. I guess I'll still have some crush on her, but it's not going to do shit when he already took her from me. So fuck all this... I do not need to be a part of anything in order for her to be happy, I'll only hurt her more than anything... I'll be glad to be her distant memory, but if this is what it takes for her to always be this happy, then it's time...

*Takes off Marcie's necklace and leaves it sealed in the jewelry box*

She doesn't need me anymore. My job... is complete.

End of POV


"Thanks for the save, Pauline!"

"Of course, bestie! I barely know who Starla is but ain't no way I'm letting her talk you down like that. Although based on your tone this wasn't your first time with her, huh?"

"N-no... It's a complicated story..."

"Oh, I see... Are you okay, Marcie?"

"Yeah, it's just... it's bringing back some memories, including... ... have you seen Angel lately?"

"The temper-tantrum kid who beaten up Teo?"

"Geez, Pauline, I already told you he's not a bad guy!!!"

"Woah there, Marcie, I never said he was. But no, ever since that night I've seen zero of him... nada. Honestly, I wonder if he even goes to this school."

"He does!! It wasn't like I was talking to ghosts before I met you guys!"

"Okay, Marcie, I believe you. I'm sorry, it's just why are you still getting so worked up about Angel. You still haven't made contact with him?"

"N-no... not officially. I should be sorry by the way, I'm just so worried. I should've been talking to him during lunch on Valentine's Day but ever since he started leaving me on read I don't know where he is or what he's doing. I know y'all don't know him enough, but do you think he's mad at me?"

"I wanna help you, Marcie, but when it comes to asking me, you already answered your own question."


"Perhaps, random idea, but what if he saw what happened with you and Teo?"

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