Chapter 36: Finding Marcie

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Friday, March 30th

6:30 AM

"Morning, Angel!" Rosa said, waking Angel up herself.

"Mmm... Mom, it's still a school day. It's not like there's something to be excited about..." Angel replied, half-asleep.

"What do you mean? It's the last day before spring break, but regardless I still beg to differ. Come on, eat your breakfast before you get ready." Rosa was sounding so eager and excited. Angel figured it was time to get up.

When Angel approached the kitchen, he sees Rosa making and cutting up waffles. Compared to the last few times, he actually smiled seeing them. He was about to think nothing of it until he saw how they were shaped, and no it's nothing inappropriate.

Angel had two waffles ready for him at the table, both of them shaped as a "#" and a "1".

"Huh, interesting..." Angel said, confused.

"You better sound more enthusiastic, young man! You have no idea how long it took for me to make that hashtag," Rosa joked.

"*sighs* tHaNk yOu mOMmY!" Angel said with a goofy smiling face that made both Rosa and himself laugh out loud.

As Angel was about to sit down and took a closer look at the waffles, he notices something slightly hiding under his plate. An envelope? He looked to Rosa for answers but Rosa pretended to mind her business. Finders keepers at this point, so Angel pulled the envelope out and opened it. It was less of a letter and more of a note...

"Clue #1:
The very first time we talked, our first conversation together, it was obviously awkward. But in a time where I thought the whole world was against me, you were the first person who weren't like the rest and somehow believed in me in first sight. And once we got closer we'd meet at that specific spot everyday before we'd then walk into school and I'd have someone with me as I face my fears."

Angel smiled as he reminisced on those memories associated with the location is being hinted towards. But after reading the end of that clue, he was curious if there was gonna be anything else. There was something on the back...

"Clue #1.5:
If you're somehow confused, go to the stoplight where we'd use to meet and cross, silly ;D"

Rosa sat in perfect timing as Angel finished reading everything from top to bottom.

"So you were onto this?" Angel asked Rosa as both were now eating breakfast.

"My only job was delivering this to you, the waffles are a bonus from me personally," Rosa explained.

"Thanks, Mom!" Angel said as he was about to dig into his food.

"Don't thank me yet," Rosa alerted. She began searching her purse and then presented Angel with a jewelry box, the same jewelry box that was used for his necklace.

Angel opened it, and it was the necklace, however, it wasn't necessarily fixed, it had an upgrade. The same three pendants, the butterfly, dog, and angel wings, were there. However, they were all linked into a silver chain.

Angel was stunned and looked to Rosa for an explanation.

"I know you're the kind of guy that wants the thing that was purely made by Marcie, so if you want me to return this and glue the broken string in the other one back together, I can do that."

"No need, this was your idea. Plus the three symbols are still here, I love it..." Angel said, admiring the piece.

"Give it, I'll put it on you," Rosa said as she got the new necklace and placed it on Angel, "I don't think I need to tell you how it's now time. So my advice for today, go after the girl you want because she'll be waiting."

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