Chapter 3: Can I Copy Your Homework?

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Friday, August 18

Marcie's fourth-period class, right before lunch, is Algebra. It was still the first week, but the lessons started after the first day. So to close out the week, the teacher, Mr. Johnson, had a pop quiz prepared that covered the past three lessons.

As expected, everyone was shocked that they have a pop quiz. At least it wouldn't take the whole class time, it's good or bad depending on how one sees it because that means there's another lesson to follow this quiz.

Monday, August 21

"Alright class, hope you had a great weekend, as I spent mine grading all of your homework and pop quizzes," Mr. Johnson said, "and I can say that most of you did very well! So while you all turn in last Friday's homework, I will pass around your quizzes so you can see how well you did."

Marcie would get her quiz after a few minutes, but something was different with hers. There's a lollipop taped onto the back of the paper. Obviously a little confused, Mr. Johnson explained. "I give out lollipops to anyone who gets has a perfect score on any type of exam, and as you can see you're the only one to get 100% on my quiz. Great work, Marcie!"

"Oh, th-thank you!" Marcie said still surprised. 

"Oh, how convenient," Mr. Johnson said as he looked at the next quiz in the stack, and then at the person sitting in front of Marcie, "Starla, here's your quiz."

"Thanks," Starla said as she looked at the quiz in disgust because she missed one question. 

Little did Marcie know, that Starla listened to that whole sequence occurring behind her, most importantly the part where she got 100. Before the bell rang for lunch, she spilled the beans whilst talking to her best friend (and her boyfriend).

"A ZERO?!? CJ, how the hell did you do that?"

"Man stop it, Selina, none of this shit makes sense to me!" CJ said upset.

"Even after one year of taking this exact same class? You're the only sophomore in this class!"  Selina stated while laughing.

"Besides you and Starla. Man it's bullshit how we're the only ones who failed the class last year."

"To be fair, how Mrs. Lee caught us cheating after we took the final exam will always be a mystery..." Starla chimed in.

"You got that right," CJ said now bummed out, "Man, I'm so screwed. I don't want to get kicked off the team because I failed this stupid class."

"As well as every other class you have?" Selina teased.

"Babe, shut up..."

"Well... I guess this is the perfect time to say this, you guys see that girl near the door with the glasses?" Starla said pointing at Marcie.

"I think so, yeah, what about her?" Selina asked.

"She sits behind me, so I overheard Mr. Johnson say that she's the only one to get a hundred on that quiz!"

"Holy shit, so she's the only one to figure out that last question that everybody else failed?"

"Yeah, and you know how homework is based on accuracy?"

"Umm... I think that was just a Mrs. Lee thing, she was very strict for no reason."

"Well we don't know with Mr. Johnson yet, but what we do know is his late policy on the syllabus. So let's get her to do our homework for us anyways. Besides CJ, it's only one step closer to having your baby watch you catch touchdowns again." Starla proposed teasing Selina

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