Chapter 26: New Semester, New Things

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No texts, no calls, no hangouts... ever since that awkward moment during Christmas, neither Marcie nor Angel would have any sort of interaction with each other.

Both spent the rest of Winter Break replaying that moment over and over again while they try and do other things around their houses. Marcie would play video games and help her parents prepare for New Year's Eve but it wouldn't stop her from getting randomly flustered at what she did. Any compliment towards Marcie can make her blush, but nothing would make her not think for one second and simply go for an action like a kiss... nothing should. As for Angel, he'd try watching random videos on YouTube, watching TV, and even attempting to interact with Rosa, going as far as making waffles for breakfast together again. As exciting as these things are for Rosa, for Angel, it doesn't remove the warm fuzzy feeling in his chest that he gets when thinking about that moment. It sometimes makes Rosa wonder if she should call 911 every time she sees Angel touch his heart area.

Essentially avoiding each other all Winter Break, it would be the Monday school started back up again before this story would continue.

Monday, January 8th

Both knew it was time to stop stalling. Marcie woke up first and made the first move.

"Will I see you near the crosswalk?" She texted.

It took her all of her morning routine until Angel texted back.

"I'll be waiting" he replied. Luckily Marcie was just stepping out the door so she's not making him wait any longer.

Every step closer, even if she can't see him yet, the more anxious Marcie is getting. When she got near school and near him, the more nervous she's getting. Just looking at him, and the cheek where that was planted on is bringing that embarrassing moment a thousand times over again. She's acting like... they're starting over again... as just the shy girl and her intimidating bodyguard.

Angel was standing here the whole time, not understanding why his heart is starting to beat faster the closer she gets, and is suddenly remembering how soft her lips were on his cheek. But somehow he is able to keep his cool, even though, again, the flashes of how close her face was to his are coming back to him.

The time is now, Marcie and Angel are now face to face, and both have as much awkward silence as there was the last time they met. Neither didn't know what to say, or what to do. Until, Marcie noticed that Angel is wearing the necklace she made for him, it made her a little happy and made her have the first word again.

"Nice necklace... w-wonder who made it?" She said, desperately trying to be the knife that cuts the tension.

"Hmph, like anyone else I know is better," Angel replied, still trying his best to stay calm.

"Th-thanks..." Marcie immediately ran out of things to say. Maybe because Angel is slightly starting to frown over something while looking at her. It's making her self-conscious about what it could be.

"Not trying to complain... because you look great in any hoodie... but what happened to mine?" Angel finally asked, referring to how Marcie is not wearing the flower hoodie he gave her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just wore it all weekend and it got dirty so that's why I'm wearing this one... promise!"

"Heh, I believe you," Angel realizes that's the end of that conversation, so he says this so they can finally start crossing the street and into school, "Would you believe me if I said I missed doing this?"

"I... would. Because I do too." Marcie said, giving out a smile that is the queue to head to school now.

Knowing that the moment was still on their minds, both tried not to say anything about that. Spending the first half of the day trying to bring up literally anything else, there might be a distraction for Marcie when a lucky encounter occurs during lunch.

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