Chapter 25: Christmas

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Friday, December 22nd

10:00 PM

The night following their afternoon of fun, Marcie got a text message from Angel, who was asking one simple question:

"I forgot to ask, what do you want for Christmas?"

Although surprised since it's from Angel of all people, Marcie responded:

"I always appreciate a new hoodie 😊"
"Aaand what about you?"

It took a while, but eventually, Angel answered back with:

"Surprise me 👌"

And after saying goodnight, Marcie peacefully drifted to sleep, having a sharp idea on what to do the next few days.

Saturday, December 23rd

It took a few YouTube tutorials and some arts and crafts shopping, but Marcie was now on a mission to build something that Angel could also wear, assuming he was going to listen and get her a hoodie.


Angel would be searching on Amazon for a hoodie just like Marcie wanted. His only regret during his time in her house yesterday is not going through her closet... ...not in a pervy way but because Marcie recently bragged about how many hoodies she's had, and how Angel hasn't seen her wear every one yet. She only started to wear her other hoodies just to prove there was more in her closet than just her purple ones. It's been about a month but she just reached halfway.

In an attempt to try and not get a duplicate, Angel searched up something HE would wear... until he realized Marcie has no idea about sports. She was always intimidated by how loud or hyped her family gets when something happens in the middle of a football game.

*Knock knock*


"Hey there, I'm gonna go get groceries at Target. Want anything?" Rosa asked with her head popping out the door.

"Nah, get whatever you want," Angel responded without a thought.

"Alrighty then— are you shopping on Amazon?"

"I'll use my own money, why do you care?"

"It's not that, I'll also be doing last-minute Christmas shopping at Target for my coworkers. If you don't want to wait a few days for your present to arrive... I'll leave that up to you."

"... ..." Seriously stumped, Angel then spoke up saying, "I'll go."

3:00 PM/Target

Immediately detaching himself from Rosa once they got in, Angel walked around, trying to find some inspiration for what kind of hoodie designs could work on Marcie. He went from Super Mario, to Pokemon, to non-Nintendo stuff like Disney. The problem is, he's already seen her in all those themes, Marcie has hoodies with Yoshi, Pikachu, and Mickey & Pluto on them.

Angel walked around some more, away from the games aisle to rethink things through. Even after realizing that maybe he should go for something more simple and less pop-culture, none of the hoodies in the clothing aisle seem to click. It makes himself even wonder why he's overthinking this. Even when he used to do Christmas shopping for his old friends... he cared, but didn't care as much as he is right now...

But then, Angel snooped on a conversation, hearing voices of people he should hate, but for once gave was useful for his sake. Being in the gift cards area, they were one aisle away from Angel, but they were loud enough for him to hear.

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