Chapter 15: WTF

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Tuesday, October 3

"So to get this straight, the operation failed because some random guy was helping Marcie by ambushing you two before the mission was done, he was beating up CJ right in front of you, and worst of all, CJ's got a concussion?" Starla summarized as she was walking with Selina before school.

"On top of all the broken bones in his face, yes. I didn't wanna take a picture of his face in the hospital, but he was basically bandaged up like this." Selina answered as she then showed Starla an accurate picture of what CJ looks like right now.

" Selina answered as she then showed Starla an accurate picture of what CJ looks like right now

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"My god..." Starla reacted as she was so speechless, "Well, this is too far for a beat down. Surely he can press assault charges or something can't he?"

"Well... in my opinion, he should, but the thing is..."

Monday, October 2 (FLASHBACK)

11:00 PM

With CJ unable to speak, he had to text Selina when she was finally able to visit. The entire text conversation regarding pressing charges is as follows:

"Babe, for once just drop your pride and let the cops know that you got beaten up." - Selina

"No! I can't let these people know I got beaten up by a nobody. If word gets out to the school, I'll be a joke." - CJ

"We're out of options, CJ. You already been barred from the football team, what's more to lose?" - Selina

"But my teammates and the whole school will figure out THIS is what I've been doing? What will happen then, Selina?" - CJ

*No response from Selina*

"When I get out of here and come back to school, I'll remove as much of this bandage as I can, and I'll make up a very good lie for why my face is broken." - CJ

"Like what do you think about me saying, 'I took a bad hit while playing a scrimmage game outside of school?'" - CJ

"I still think giving that man justice would be the right thing to do. We can easily say that knife was in self-defense." - Selina

"But no matter how much we twist it, what doesn't change is that everyone would know I got my ass kicked in a fight. I can't live with that burden in my head, baby. I just can't." - CJ


"That idiot with his pride huh?" Starla said, dumbfounded by that text exchange Selina just showed.

"Tell me about it, but everybody had to respect his wishes after all. So the cops never came..." Selina concluded.

"CJ's too scared to exact any type of payback towards Marcie and that attacker. So I guess for his sake I'll do it myself." Starla abruptly claimed as she began speed walking to her first class.

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