Chapter 14: Major Trouble in Paradise

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Monday, October 2

*4:30 PM*

Rosa has been waiting in the school parking lot for almost an hour now. Because Angel had his phone on silent during the fight, he's not responding to Rosa's calls, which have also been going on for almost an hour now. No matter the resentment, Angel always responds, so this is abnormal. Not having any more choice, Rosa turned on the Find My Phone app and tracked down Angel's phone. He's apparently in a neighborhood not far from here, so Rosa stepped on that location immediately.

A couple of minutes pass, yet Rosa found Angel near immediately, credit can be given to all the other neighbors who stepped outside and look in the direction of what looked like a "murder scene." After seeing Angel's phone being precisely near the larger crowd of this scene, Rosa began expecting the worse especially after not seeing him amongst the people standing. She got out of the car and raced to the scene, and saw something she never saw during her time in high school: a stabbing and a beat down beyond recognition.

Marcie was jump-scared by Rosa's sudden scream when she realized Angel was the victim of the stabbing. It looked like Angel was about to pass out, but funnily enough, the scream woke him up.

Rosa began to panic, asking a bunch of questions out loud, such as "Where the hell is the ambulance?" Or "Angel? Are you breathing?!" Or best of all, when she asked Marcie, "Who are you? Are you his girlfriend?" Marcie blushed immediately over that question and stammered her way into saying they're just acquaintances...

It was all going so fast for Rosa, that she wildly decided to take both Angel and Marcie to the ER herself. "Help me lift him up, I won't let my son lay here any longer!" Rosa exclaimed as she would instruct Marcie and others cooperating to lift Angel to her car, but being overly cautious about the knife wedged inside Angel's shoulder. It's worth noting, that whilst Angel was being carried, he muttered the words "you know that's bullshit" to Rosa. I wonder in regards to what though...

*4:45 PM*

Rosa was flooring it to the nearest ER, no time to waste. Marcie rode shotgun, that way Angel can sit in the back middle seat, minimizing the stab going any deeper by the laws of physics. It was a good decision since Rosa made some pretty rough turns that had Marcie bump into the door and armrest a couple of times.

Even though Rosa had eyes on the road, she found room to talk to her new passenger. Just the basic, "What's your name," "How did you know Angel" type of questions. Marcie was as shy as ever, but who wouldn't be if somebody's first question to them was if they're dating someone?

An interesting thing about this car ride is that Angel found scissors and began cutting off his hand wraps in an attempt to hide the evidence of having weapons of his own. Since there's no wall between the backseat and the trunk, Angel tossed the loaded weapons in the trunk.

"Angel, stop moving so much, you'll just aggravate the pain," Rosa lectured while going faster than what she could get away with.

"I'm... not... your son..." Angel whispered so quietly as he looks away to stare at a window.

Rosa refused to go in-depth about what happened to Angel as she didn't want to steer her focus away from the road as he already was. She'd save it for when she made it to the hospital.

People in the ER lobby were lucky Marcie was wearing a jacket today, so nobody had to cringe and overreact over a blade sticking out of someone's arm. Considering a stabbing is an ASAP-level threat, nurses, ER techs, etc. began working on Angel immediately, while the two ladies with him settled down in the waiting room.

For Marcie and Rosa, it was an awkward five minutes of silence. But considering how freakishly she was acting earlier, Marcie was incredibly surprised at how calm and collected Rosa currently is.

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