Chapter 33: When It was Better on Paper

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Tuesday, February 27th


"What did you do!?" Angel asked Starla as soon as he came back to the back of the cafeteria.

Starla said nothing but grip onto Angel again, "Welcome back, my love..."

"Get off me!!" Angel demanded tears of anger were coming out now, "You did something! Marcie wouldn't have just come here without  any reason!"

"Darling... more like you did something. I don't have that loser's number anymore. You do, so only you could've told her in some way to meet up here." Starla is currently covering up her tracks and is already prepared for the next response.

Angel was confused, so he briefly checked his phone, and he saw the conversation that "he" had with Marcie.

"No... NO! You did this! Even I know my Ate wouldn't have done something like this! Why did you do this?!?" Angel aggressively yelled.

"Woah, honey. Don't be out here making accusations like that! I dare you to prove that it was me, last time I checked, your phone was right where you placed it on the bed when you fell asleep. When you woke up, you checked your phone to check the time and it was right in the same location. We fell asleep at the same time so there's no way I could've gotten ahold of your phone."

"Nah, we didn't fall asleep at the same time..." Angel said in denial, albeit he is right.

"How could you know for sure? You weren't awake so you couldn't tell me if I was awake or asleep during that time!"

"Because this whole time, you were always a liar. You manipulated Marcie into forcefully cheating on your math tests because your crew is the sorriest people in this school. And now you're trying to manipulate me into believing I sent those texts when I know damn well I never did at this time!!" Angel defended himself. He was determined, something Starla didn't expect, so she had to do something fast to defuse him.

"So what are you trying to say, Angel? Are you trying to break up with me in less than a day?"

"So what if I did?"

"Oh... I don't know, let me guess, be alone for the rest of your life? With no one else to love you?" Starla said, and she was successful in halting a determined Angel. She continued in order to make him settle down like she was casting a wicked spell.
"Let's face it, Angel. No matter who made that conversation, it's already done. I've made my mark on you, literally, and she saw it and then ran off like the sissy she is. Had you miraculously gotten through to her and her friends, you all would've ganged up on me and even CJ and Selina. But judging from what I see here, you weren't successful, were you, Angel? Here you are, all alone, with nowhere and no one else to run to but to me... *wraps her hands around him again* Because you understand, that I am truly the only one who will stick by your side."

This wicked spell thing Starla had... worked. Angel didn't have the strength again to fight the hug. And eventually, he hugged back.

Albeit, there wasn't any expression on his face during this hug.

Post-Lunch/6th Period

Marcie stayed strong for the rest of the day, however, her temporary scars were visible. Due to Teo hanging out with his basketball teammates, he wasn't aware of what was going on during PE, until he and Marcie started talking for a while. Before attendance was taken, Teo noticed Marcie's eyes were redder and a little more puffy.

"Hey, are you alright?" Teo suddenly asked in the middle of their conversation.

"Uhh... Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Marcie asked, confused.

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