Chapter 27: New Things = Things Change

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"How are you holding up, Angel?" - Terrence

"Cool." - Angel

"Um, how's your hot cousin?" - Seven

"Shut up. Sev." - Dayton

"Meh, she's okay I guess." - Angel

"Cmon man, we know we won't understand what this is like—" - Dayton

"Then shut the fuck up and let's play already." - Angel

"But—" - Dayton

"Dayton. Bad timing on us, just go boot up Smash Bros now." - Terrence

"pssst, terrence..." - Seven

"what, sev?" - Terrence

"remind me again why we didn't let ren know about this hangout?" - Seven

"well you know he means well, but you also know how he can be insensitive in serious situations." - Terrence

"You said he was sick." - Angel

"... You heard that, Angel?" - Terrence

"It's all good though, you're right... I ain't trying to see nor hear from that bitch anyway." - Angel

"Right... let's just go..." - Terrence

Fast Forward

"Calm the fuck down man, I'm sorry, it was at the heat of the moment and—" - Ren

"Oh, Mr. Adrien Khan, sorry this sorry that. Stop apologizing like you're bullshitting! You knew what the fuck you said! Everybody in here knows what you said!" - Angel

"I was only trying to lighten the mood! Take things back to the way they were beforehand!" - Ren

"They were beforehand— heheheh... And you wonder why they were gatekeeping you from this hangout, YOU FUCKING PRICK. YOU ARE NOT FUNNY, YOUR JOKES WERE NEVER FUNNY! ESPECIALLY CAUSE IT NEVER HELPED WHEN EVERYBODY ELSE WAS TRYING TO BE REAL! YOU AIN'T LIGHTING UP SHIT!!" - Angel

"Okay, well for once I'll be real, if that's what you so want! I'm the only one here being pissed at your behavior because you've been gone for too fucking long! I bet you every day, you're acting like the world just ended. When in reality, you still have us! We don't matter to you anymore just because you lost 'everything?!' The world is far from over and society is still moving just fine without your family! SO JUST, GET, OVER, IT—" - Ren


Tuesday, January 9th

4:00 AM

Angel jumped out of bed scrambling around like he was in the middle of a brawl. A few deep breaths later before he realized that his memory was just a dream. He laid back down, but he can't fall back asleep. Now that he's conscious again, the first thing that had to pop up was yesterday, and the last thing he saw. Something like that should be easy to brush off, but for some reason, Angel just can't. All he could do at the moment, before drifting back to sleep, is lie awake and be frustrated.

7:00 AM

Barely catching any sleep after finally calming down last night, Angel looked drowsy. Marcie noticed when she found him sitting by the crosswalk pole, half asleep.

"Um, rise and shine!" Marcie greeted, poking Angel on his shoulder until he came to.

"You realize that's the stabbed shoulder, right?" Angel asked as he woke up.

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