Chapter 32: The Second Heartbreak

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Wednesday, February 14th

"Why did you call all of us here, man?" Ramon asked Teo.

"Well, I need to show you guys something..." Teo said to the whole crew, well almost whole.

"Wait, shouldn't we get Marcie for this—" Pauline asked before being interrupted.

"No! I didn't tell her about this meeting, because it's about her..." Teo says as he avoids eye contact with the group.

All of a sudden, Teo pulls out a bouquet of flowers. Everybody was shook. Although, Zuli was the most calm because she already figured it out.

"I knew it," Zuli calmly says as the first response.

"W-what? How'd you know?" Teo asked.

"Obviously your energy changes around Marcie. Before our fun night, you played your worst basketball until Marcie showed up, you never try in karaoke until you channeled your inner Aladdin singing that duet with her, you always feel down-some after you leave her with me in Bio every day, and all of us remember him being a nervous wreck in her first day with us."

"Oh yeah, how did I not see that?" - Pauline
"Makes sense." - Frankie
"Hahaha I remember, he looked so stupid" - Ramon

"Shut up Ramon!" Teo said, "But I guess it's obvious huh..."

"I'll be honest though, if you want to be with Marcie, you might want to patch things up with her friend, Angel," Zuli suggested.

"Hell no, why should I?" Teo said in an instant mood change, "He's the one that got mad when I stated the fact that Marcie is happier with us. Hopefully, with my love for her, I can make her even more happier with me and us."

"I know how you trash talk, Teo. During that 1v1 you two had, are you sure you didn't whisper anything personal under your breath? Maybe disregarding us for a moment?" Zuli interrogated. She's really the most mature friend in order to observe at this level.

"Um... W-why are you defending that asshole anyway, Zuli?"

"I'm defending no one, but I'll always support you and your decision here. The fact of the matter is though, Marcie will always care about Angel, I can tell about that part in her too, so you better get used to that."

"Even so... fuck him. He should not have a say in who Marcie dates anyway, and I hope to god I can be one of those people. So, Frankie, I'm sorry but I might have to steal your 'date' tonight."

"I'm just glad if anyone, my 'date' will be switched to Zuli," Frankie said.

"Hey, what are you implying about me?!" Pauline said, bringing the hilarity back into the conversation.

"Or me?! No homo," Ramon followed up, bringing even more hilarity.


There was a plan to execute this "asking out" shtick with the girls keeping Marcie occupied and distracted while the boys roll out with all the equipment needed.

Marcie, obviously having the scheduled plan to meet up with Angel around this time, was on her toes and honestly was less in the mood for distractions around this time. Waiting for the text from Angel saying he's ready, she'd be bombarded by Zuli and Pauline with a lot of random things such as sorta being forced into playing Mario Kart, having eyeliner being put on her in the bathroom, and even having conversations about the weirdest things like if they think Frankie's brother is hot. Marcie was patient but was slightly annoyed by all these shenanigans that at this point she just wanted some air. Luckily, by then the boys were ready.

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