Chapter 12: Bridge Talk

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Friday, September 29

After Marcie calmed down and promised not to jump, Angel let go of his grip on her and both sat down in between the edges of the bridge. Both wanted to talk, but considering they're both pretty introverted and a near-death experience just almost occurred, it was a pretty awkward silence for a couple of minutes. It was more awkward that they were sitting so close next to each other, and Angel's unwelcoming expression made Marcie a little confused and uncomfortable to speak. So that's why Angel talked first.

"I realized after we first talked I never got your name," Angel finally started the conversation off (keep in mind we knew who those two are, but they didn't know each other up until now), "I'm Angel."

"I... realized that too..." Marcie softly replied, "I'm Marcie."

Great, both now know each other's names, now what? Lucky for the both of them, the discussion and what needs to be said were right there.

"Why?" Marcie then asked out of nowhere to break the awkward silence again. Angel's eye contact is somewhat intimidating as he looks uninterested, but Marcie clarified that question. "W-why did you do that? Why did you just save me?"

"Well... I was there in the moment, why would I not?" Angel quickly replied back.

"I... I didn't ask for it. Plus, we only talked once beforehand so you were one of the people I least expected to stop me, let alone find me. How did you know I was here anyway?"

"What, so you think I'm being a stalker?"

"...I didn't say you were..." That was more or less a checkmate for Marcie. But Angel immediately explained himself after a sigh.

"... The same day we talked, I overheard your conversation with those two assholes. On my way to my next class, I saw them cut your headphones and made you listen to the things that I was also overhearing. I knew what they were trying to make you do, and I also knew you can't go through it alone, not completely at least."

"I see...but what does that have to do with stalking me?"

"Can we not say it like that? I meant well in trying to follow you the past few days because I wanted to make sure you got home safely. As I said, I knew what they wanted to happen when they forced you to listen to all the voices. So I just thought watching over you on your way home and even protecting you, if any more harm were to come after school, would be the least I can do to show I care from afar about the victim of that stunt."

"I guess... that is sweet in a way... but you were a little too late in starting to do that. I could've really used that kind of help when I kept getting beat up by them before the stunt."

"They put their hands on you? Even that football player?!" Angel began sounding a little angrier, like he slowly gearing up to fight somebody.

"N-no, just the two girls... But you know about the football player?"

"A little bit... I ran into him one time and it looked like the wrong time for him to be seen."

"The knife?"

"So you do know about that."

"He... ... um..." Marcie reliving the moment she's about to say made her traumatized, "H-he threatened to use it on me one time..."

That very sentence was heard loud and clear by Angel. He sounded like he was going on a rampage of his own earlier, but he kept calm. "Why would he do that to you? Why would those two bitches do that to you?"

"..." Marcie kept quiet because of her hesitation to say it.

"Cmon, just say it. Unless they're that full of shit to do all that for no reason, there must be an explanation."

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