Chapter 7: Caught in 8K Ultra HD

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Monday, September  11

*Bell Rings*

"Alright guys, I hope your weekends went well, because like when I graded the quizzes, I graded all your guys' tests! However, I decided to do this differently, as in I won't pass around the tests for you to look at in the comfort of your own desks. I'll spend the majority of class time, if not all, talking to you all one on one about your score and what you got wrong and etcetera. I will start in the roster's alphabetical order."

With the sophomores' last names all ending with "M", they all got their one-on-one conversations with Mr. Johnson, back to back. But they were all the quickest conversations as well. When, for example, CJ came up to Mr. Johnson's desk, Mr. Johnson gave CJ his ungraded test paper with a big post-it note in bold lettering. It reads "Meet me after school today."

"But Mr. Johnson, I've got practice after schoo--"

"It's okay, your coach has been notified. You may now take your seat." Mr. Johnson said with a smile which was hella disturbing given the note. All three sophomores got the same message in under fifteen seconds.

Marcie saw how fast their turns went, and with her involvement last Friday, she's getting paranoid she'll go down with them. She was internally freaking out when it was her turn to approach Mr. Johnson's desk.

"Marcie!" Mr. Johnson said excitedly, "You've done it again, huh? Along with three other students, you passed the test with flying colors, 100%."

Marcie was prepared for the worst, so this was genuinely surprising for her. "Oh! Umm... thank you, Mr. Johnson. I-I'm not the only one that got a hundred?" She replied making sure she heard him right the first time.

"You're not alone this time. I will not name names, but three of your classmates have also aced the test as hard as you have. You're not jealous you have competition now, do you?"

"N-no, not at all! That doesn't matter to me, except for how I have to share lollipops now, I guess." Marcie said trying to make jokes.

"Haha, fair enough. But again Marcie, flawless performance, you seem to be knowing the material very well based on the work you showed during the test and in your homework. There's nothing much to discuss so you're dismissed."

"Thank you again, Mr. Johnson," Marcie said getting up.

"And don't worry about those three, you won't have to deal with them anymore." Mr. Johnson said out of nowhere as Marcie was about to walk away.

"Th-the three who also got a hundred?"


Marcie was speechless, as she began drawing the conclusion. She'd walk to her desk with a shocked look on her face, beginning to wonder why she was the only one spared. 

Was it that she doing so well this whole time she basically became the teacher's pet? Was it that because she told the truth about the copying homework incident, Mr. Johnson already knew she'd be the one leeched on again? Was there something somehow overlooked in the entire game plan? Her self-questioning lasted the whole lunch period, one where she never encountered Starla by the way, and she'd still be left confused.

*3:30 / After School*

CJ was the first to arrive at Mr. Johnson's class and was welcomed by the most surprising guest he could imagine: his football coach.

"Heyy... Coach. So this is what you mean by us talking before practice today, hehe..." CJ said trying to break the tension and nervousness he's feeling right now but to no avail. "I'll sit down and shut up for this..." he followed up after nobody responded.

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