Chapter 23: A Confidence Booster

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Tuesday, October 31

Marcie couldn't help but stare at Angel as he was looking surprisingly cute in her perspective, and how the Piplup onesie suits him is something she might never know. Little did she know that Angel was also frozen thinking about how cute she looked in her Dawn cosplay. It's embarrassing enough for her to wear a skirt but she did change up her whole look once before, plus Angel's eye contact shows he's not like that type of guy.

*10:00 AM*

"They're adorable!"
"O.M.G. those two look so cute together"
"They slayed this cosplay, how did we not think of this?"
"Babe, why can't we be like them?!?"

Is it weird Marcie is the only one hearing those types of phrases? Because when she starts acting weirded out and then tells Angel what's bothering her, Angel replied with, "They're saying that?"

The most interesting encounter was from a dude passing by, but he was dressed up as Ash Ketchum.

"Excuse me?" Ash said as he was halted in his tracks. The man was speechless at how good Marcie and Angel looked, "Wow... I gotta say you two look incredible together."

"Oh, uhm... y-yeah, th-thank you..." Marcie was quick to stumble words. "Y-you too, you look nice as well..." she also said, but the problem was she was too quiet that Ash was walking away after the first response.

"Yo, Ash!" Angel called out, getting the guy's attention, "She said you look cool as well."

"Oh, my bad! I appreciate it, actually, I got an idea. Let's take a photo together I gotta show my friends this before lunch later."

"R-really?" Marcie asked shockingly.

"If that's okay with you and Piplup, of course."

"I... guess we can do it," Marcie shyly accepted, "Ange— I mean... Piplup?"

Already, Angel's getting a little annoyed by him being called that Pokémon, but he (a little reluctantly) grunts as his way of saying yes.


"Thank you so much you two! Do you two got an Instagram? I'll send these pictures to you if you like," Ash politely asked.

Angel simply nodded no.

"Oh, um... n-no thanks..." Marcie replied yet was hesitant to say so.

"Ah, no worries. You two have a good one."

Marcie was having a look of regret as they continued walking along. Angel was quick to notice and call her out.

"If he makes fun of you because of who you were last month, I'll be right behind you," he assures.

Marcie was pretty shocked at how Angel figured out her problem just like that, but that reassurance allowed her to go back easily and exchange Instagrams with that guy. She came back to Angel with a more satisfied look on her face.

"I knew that would be easy for you," Angel responded to Marcie's attitude change.

"Seriously? I felt all my nerves kick in while I went to ask him again" Marcie explained, still sounding excited that she accomplished talking to someone.

"But you still did it. For your standards, you have every right to be proud of yourself," Angel said in order to make Marcie feel good about that interaction. "Then again, you were only asking for pictures, not a date with that guy." He casually followed up.

"W...WHAT!? Why would you say that?" Marcie, prone to embarrassment, became flustered at Angel's comment... and that thought...

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