Chapter 10: The Prank's Aftermath

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Friday, September 22

"Hey there, took you a while huh?" Rosa greeted as Angel entered the car

"Well, I'm here now, right?"

"Sure... what held up you, and I assume a bunch of other people? It wasn't anything dangerous, right?"

"No, some girl was being an asshole."

"Oh... what exactly did she do?"

"You'll find out..." Angel says as he remembers all the camera phones and figuring that someone will post it sooner than later.

"...If you say so, let's hit the road."

Rosa struck a red light at the intersection next to school, as it was someone's turn to cross the road. That person would be Marcie, with a towel wrapped around her. She was able to stop crying, but her red eyes make it look like she just stopped. Marcie didn't bother peeking at the stopped cars as she crossed the streets, didn't stop Rosa and Angel from noticing her soaked clothing and the depressed look on her face.

"Poor girl," Rosa commented, "Was it her that was holding everyone up?"

"You'll find out..." Angel repeated as he kept his eye on Marcie.

The embarrassment that came from the prank... not the fact she now smells bad nor the fact she got bombarded with water balloons. The embarrassment of being bullied in front of however many people watched live was the thing that ate Marcie up inside the most as she was walking home hoping to dry off then.

When Marcie made it home, the first order of business was to take off the clothes that make her feel ashamed to be wearing them and immediately run to the shower. She'd spend time also thinking of an excuse to tell her parents should they catch her in the shower, considering she already showered this morning. After showering, Marcie would then squeeze every last bit of water from her soaked-up clothes down the shower drain, and then she threw them into the laundry machines in a way to eliminate everything that happened in the past hour. She's not only ridding the evidence for her parents, but for herself also.

Saturday, September 23

*Marcie's House; 9:30 AM*

"Rise and shine, sweetie!" The blinds in Marcie's room were suddenly opened shedding light upon Marcie's face.

"Mm... Morning, mom."

"Feeling any better since yesterday?" Marcie's mom asked.

"Yeah, that ten-minute shower after I got home helped me out a lot."

"I bet, I still wonder how you could smell that bad from just hanging by the bridge near our house, you never fully explained that."

"I...erm... it just happens, I guess," Marcie had to be quick in clarifying a lie she told her mom when her parents got home from work, "I like seeing the river underneath the bridge, but I guess I felt brave and climbed down to see it from a closer point of view and dip my toes in it. I must've smelled because it wasn't a smooth hike from mother nature to down to the river... hehe..."

"I guess so, regardless I'm glad you're feeling better, you were more gloomy than usual when we got home I was about to feel worried. Your dad is making breakfast right now, I'll come back when it's ready."

"Okay, mom!" Marcie said while smiling at her mom, but it faded after the door closed. Being adventurous with nature sounds more fun than playing soaked dodgeball, if only that's what actually happened...

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