(FINAL) Chapter 40: Goodbye, I'll be Okay

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Saturday, July 14th

11:00 AM

*knock knock knock*

Marcie was really surprised to see Angel. He immediately hugged her tightly, digging his head into her shoulder to muffle his crying. Marcie was hugging tightly too, yet was also trying to process this at the same time. She then sees Rosa walking up to them, dressed in all black.

"T-tita? Is today...?" Marcie asked, guessing the situation.

"Yes," Rosa replied, "If you aren't busy, do you mind being with him, today?"

"Of course, I have no plans today," Marcie answered, hugging Angel tighter.

"Thank you so much... I'm so glad he finally has someone like you," Rosa reiterated, "See you soon, Angel."

"I love you, mom!" Angel cried out as he turned to Rosa.

"I love you too, kid. I WILL be back to get you," Rosa said smiling. She then got in her car and took off to the cemetery. Marcie embraced Angel a little while longer until she let him in the house.

Marcie offered some snacks, but Angel was almost motionless, and emotionless. Of all days for this version of him to return, it would reasonably be this day. But Marcie hoped she can get to him somehow.

Angel was motionless on the couch since he stepped foot in the house. Marcie sat right near him and patted at her lap. Angel responded and he would slowly lay his head there like a pillow. Marcie would stroke Angel's hair to help him calm down since he was still going through it.

Marcie would find herself humming some random melody as she's enjoying this moment of alone time with Angel. At the same time, she can tell Angel is liking it with the way his face is once tensed up, and Marcie can feel him relaxing.

"Sorry, Marcie... I'm not using this as an excuse to finally be on your lap..." Angel finally said.

"I'm glad you still have some humor Angel, but there's nothing to be sorry about. It's okay to let your feelings out, I'll be right here," Marcie assured as she kept petting Angel like a puppy.

"It's just... I could've easily stayed at home, but I was too scared to be alone... I was too scared to see them again... In the closest form, I could see them in person, I'm scared to see them... I thought I was ready to move on, but I swear every day I wish I can look at them in the face again, I don't wanna look at them by their names carved out...

That day really taught me that nobody is safe from death. Not even the ones who matter to you the most. I didn't want to get close to anyone again because no death would ever compare to BOTH of my parents... but dammit I did, and it had to be you of all people. I can't lose you, Marcie, I love you too fucking much to the point where I don't wanna imagine life without you anymore!"

Marcie found a way to calm Angel again, and it was by showing both of their bracelets.

"Calm down, baby... remember that this is exactly why you gave me this bracelet last month. Like I said, 'I will not go anywhere.' Not without leaving you like this... Remember, I wanted to lose my life once upon a time, but thanks to you I want to believe that all of these blessings have been a long time coming. And the fact I'm still here shows that God wants me to still relish in them, and that means I have all the time in the world to relish in these gifts with you. I love you a little more than you think, I can't imagine my life without you too, literally... and again it's more than the bridge. Even if I did survive, I might've never bounced back within myself in the way I am now if it wasn't for your love. You won't lose me anytime soon, especially since I don't ever want to lose you nor have you think you lost me again."

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