Chapter 18: Their First... Hangout

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Friday the 13th, October

Angel woke up to a text from Marcie... at 5am in the morning. A little annoyed by how early it is, he still opened and responded.

"Good morning, Angel! Are you awake yet?" - Marcie

"I am now... did you even get any sleep?" - Angel

"Sorry lol, I fell asleep earlier than usual last night so I woke up like twenty minutes ago." - Marcie

"I see. Is everything ok with you?" - Angel

"Well... yeah I'm okay, everything's okay right now." - Marcie

"I was just thinking, maybe instead of going to my house, maybe you can escort me somewhere else after school?" - Marcie

"Okay. Where?" - Angel

"There's this boba place that opened up a few weeks ago. I wanted to check it out when it first opened, but that moment happened..." - Marcie

"And you didn't wanna go days after because of that moment?" - Angel

"Yeah... because I didn't wanna know what was being said about me in there, especially since I know people in this school hang out there now." - Marcie

"But I feel so safe with you, so I thought maybe it's finally time to give it a try?" - Marcie

"I guess we will." - Angel

"See you later today?" - Angel

"Ofc 😊" - Marcie

*7:30 AM*

"Are you at school yet?" - Marcie

"No, Rosa took too long getting ready. I'm a few mins away." - Angel

"Lol okay, I'll wait near the crosswalk." - Marcie

"Alright" - Angel

Whilst driving, Rosa was watching Angel texting from the corner of her eye. She began smirking as if she knows who it is. "So, Angel, who you're texting there?" She would then ask.

"...Why do you care?" Angel replied, making no eye contact.

"Maybe... because I already met her and even had a heart-to-heart with her..."

"You already talked to Marcie?"

"Aha!! I knew it was her you're talking to."

"I didn't say I was..."

"Well, who else can make you glued onto your phone like that?" Rosa would then chuckle after Angel couldn't answer her question. Although in between, Angel muttered "Fuck you," when Rosa couldn't have heard it.

"Doesn't matter really, what does is that you finally found a new friend on campus then," Rosa followed up, feeling glad for Angel.

"...Yeah...sure..." Angel answered a little hesitantly, something Rosa caught on.

"Why do you not sound so sure there?"

"I'm just a bodyguard for Marcie, what I do doesn't necessarily mean I have to talk to her all the time."

"All the time? So there are days where you guys don't say anything to each other at all?"

"When it comes to it, I just walk her class to class, take her home, and protect her if anyone dares make fun of her because of that incident. That's been it these past few days. That's also what I've been doing that's making you wait too long."

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