Chapter 21: That Awkward Feeling

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Saturday, October 28

*10:55 PM*

Angel remembered curfew, and he was walking Marcie home as if they just went through a regular day at school. After their first slow dance, a few more occurred between the two, but even that wasn't their most awkward moment of the night.

"I think she refused to believe we weren't kidding about going together this whole time," Marcie said, pretty obvious on who she's talking about, "It was pretty funny when she saw us dancing to the last slow jam. If we didn't dance to all of them she probably would've taken you away from me."

"Well, I'm really glad I took your hand every single time," Angel said whilst sighing in relief, "Besides, if she were to do that I'd rip my hand off of hers immediately."

"You know she's relentless trying to put a wedge between us. I know better than anyone why she's doing this."

"Me too, but if she was there up close when I have beaten up that football guy, then they'd all leave you alone. This is why I'll keep swerving her over and over again until she finally leaves us alone."

"That is comforting to hear. Speaking of which, I never saw the couple there tonight, did you?"

"I guess he's still repairing his face," Angel made Marcie giggle at that joke. Hearing Marcie laugh made him feel accomplished, especially since they just reached Marcie's front yard.

"So, I guess this is it," Marcie announced, "Um, Angel? Thank you for a great night... I really enjoyed Homecoming thanks to you."

"Yeah, I want to thank you too, Marcie. You spared me a lot of boredom than if I went alone."

"I...I feel the same way. You saved me a lot of sadness tonight just by your presence alone. Which again... this is why..."


"I'm happy you're here right now."
"I'm happy you're here right now."
Both Marcie and Angel said, at the same time.


Both froze after that exchange of words. Nothing more was said afterward after they both said that sentence at the same time. Marcie was slowly starting to blush from that statement, and any attempt at following up from that just wouldn't come out of her mouth. She's always been grateful for Angel's presence, but Angel does too? On the same level?

Angel wanted to make Marcie smile more by copying the phrase that made him smile on the inside, but the fact he said it and didn't get the reaction he wanted made things for him all the more awkward on his side. He's usually the one finding something to talk about between them, but it just wouldn't come.

The longer both stood still in unbearable silence, the more awkward this is getting for both of them. Luckily enough, Marcie's parents popped out the door when they did. "There you two are!" Mrs. Santiago shouted out, "We were about to find you if it got past 11."

"H-hi Mom... I'm coming now," Marcie said as she slowly starts walking over.

"Why do you sound off right now, Marcie? Did this man do something to you—"

"N-No Dad! Nothing at all... Angel has been sweet to me this entire night."

"If you say so, now come inside and make sure to tell us all about tonight."

"R-right." Marcie was thinking of how to greet goodbye to Angel as she was walking towards her front door.

"Eh... Marcie?" Angel suddenly called out. Marcie made sure to turn around when he then says, "I mean it too."

That part did make Marcie smile, and giggle a bit, "Goodnight, Angel..."

Marcie closed the door on her way in, and Angel couldn't help but smirk over what he was able to do tonight. He sat on the sidewalk, waiting for Rosa to come end this "pretty fun" night for him. Whilst doing so, all he could do is just look up at the starry sky.

"Hope you two are proud of me for this."

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