Chapter 8: Hell

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Monday, September 18

Ever since last week, Marcie has not seen nor heard of CJ, Selina, and Starla. She'd gain the courage to ask Mr. Johnson what happened yesterday, especially after what he told her right after the Monday conference, but the answer was just "They no longer attend my class, one of the primary reasons is to protect you."

Things have felt a lot better though, schoolwork-wise. The toll of having to constantly do math homework on time just to give it up to Starla a few days later, the stress of prioritizing that chore over any other class, and the chaos that was the first test, especially beforehand when the utter fear she felt from CJ's knife came out in full swing. All of the negative vibes stemming from the three sophomores, POOF! Disappeared like magic. The transition back into the more normal school life was easier and felt like it happened overnight because that's how relieved Marcie is to finally get past that weird type of captivity. It felt good for her to finally be "free" again, free to handle her own business and no one else's, free to not worry about how her performances directly affect somebody else's, and free to never have to get caught in something scandalous again.

Unfortunately, though, too much freedom can sometimes make you let your guard down...

If there's one thing that hasn't changed since the first day of school, it's Marcie's safe spot during lunch period. Her academic life is getting better, but her social life? ... ... ... At least in her own mind, she's claimed her territory like what she thought in the beginning. She began calling it a safe spot because it's further from the populated parts of campus (aka the cafeteria), and people barely hang outside of a classroom until lunch is almost over.

However, it was today that the safe spot began getting tampered with, not in the sense that the spot itself is no longer safe anymore, but it'll never be 100% anymore.

After Algebra class, Marcie took her journey to her usual spot, thinking nothing will go wrong like it hasn't for the past four days. It's like a streak is going to happen where no bad apples are bothering her for a week straight and counting. But unfortunately, that streak was not meant to last, not on Selina's terms. Like the previous time, she pushed Marcie into the bathroom door and trapped her with just herself and Starla.

Upon impact of the push, Marcie's glasses fell off, but instead of having them taken away from her, one of the mean girls stepped on them, simply shattering the lens for sure. Having no help, being in trouble, being a tad confused about why she's in said trouble, and unable to see it all clearly, that combination is the feeling Marcie fears the most. As she can hear the two now talking about no one getting in or out, she's already about to cry.

"Aw... who the fuck is wanting to cry now?" Starla starts mocking and walking around Marcie with bad intentions, "And why the fuck would you start acting this soft when we just started-- oh wait, you always were ever since you were named teacher's pet by Mr. Johnson."

"St-Starla? W-Why are you doing this? I did nothing else to--" Marcie got slapped hard by Starla before she could finish her sentence. Starla was not playing as that slap sounded like it hurts more than a punch.

"Nothing... that's fucking BULLSHIT!" Starla started yelling as she pins Marcie to the bathroom wall, "How do you get to walk away free?!?! Because of YOU, CJ's football career is over. Because of YOU, Selina is suspended from cheerleading. Because of YOU, the reputation that I've built ever since middle school is ruined. My life here was supposed to be near-perfect, but now everyone looks at me differently, more rumors about me being a test cheater have sparked, and not only do I have to serve detentions but  my campaign for Homecoming royalty this year is done for, all because of YOU! Because of YOU, YOU RUINED ALL THREE OF OUR LIVES!!!"

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