Chapter 5: The Truth Shall Set You Free... Yeah Right

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Monday, September 4

*Bell Rings*

"Alright class, one more reminder for today that our first-ever exam is this Friday. I'd advise you guys to start studying about now, but regardless, have a great lunch and the rest of the day!" Mr. Johnson said as he dismissed the class.

As everybody was packing up and either racing to the cafeteria or to their personal hangout spots, Marcie would be the only one to be stopped for a minute.

"Wait a minute, Marcie! Can you come here for a minute?" Mr. Johnson abruptly asked before he saw Marcie close to leaving.

"Y-yes, Mr. Johnson," Marcie nervously replied as she approaches Mr. Johnson's desk, "i-is something the matter?"

In response with no words yet, Mr. Johnson pulls out last Thursday's homework. Four of them.

This moment is where Marcie would get more nervous as if she were face to face with a real detective who was just a teacher in disguise, and she's about to be accused as the mastermind of a huge crime. But she knew to keep her mouth shut so she then listened to Mr. Johnson say, "You see, it's normal for every student's homework answers to be the same because we want everybody to have the correct answers. That's the point of our homework corrections at the start of every class,  yes?"

"Yes, that's right..." Marcie replied, afraid that she knows where this is going.

"So I would understand if everybody were to get the same answer and it was correct because it shows everybody is understanding the content. Heck, I wouldn't mind if everybody showed their work in the same manner because supposedly, great minds think alike especially when it comes to figuring out the answers. Don't you agree with that?"

"Yeah, it does make sense when you say it like that..."

"However, if you remember last Thursday's homework, there was a part of the question where it says, 'Make up your own unique word problem and show us the entire process on how to solve for x.' It was supposed to be the exception to the rule, so I was expecting a variety of different made-up questions which also means different final answers as every question is different."

"..." Marcie's smart, smart enough to 100% know how CJ, Selina, and Starla fucked up.

"So on behalf of the sophomores in this class, besides this man saying 'girlfriend', how do four people all come up with:
'I went to the bookstore with my boyfriend and we both ended up buying a book. With both of our books combined, we paid a total of $60. However, my book was $35 more than the price of my boyfriend's book? What was the price of his?'"

Marcie was frozen at that point, not only because Mr. Johnson read her own little desire out loud to her, but because she knew the scheme as a whole got exposed in 8K.

"Any explanation, Marcie?" Mr. Johnson asked, "It's great you all got the answer right in this scenario...

60 = x + 35
-35       - 35
25 = x

...But with that being said, why is everybody's made-up scenario the same here? Word for word? Number by number?..."

Panic began erupting inside of Marcie's head because she doesn't know how to cover for the three with a mistake like this. The only thing she could've said to get away with it was that they are all in a study group outside of class, but it would've been countered by the fact that they all should've been on their own with that part only because the homework question directly says  "Make up your own unique word problem..."

Marcie didn't want to be a snitch, but even as a freshman amongst a group of sophomores, she still has more integrity than all of them. She said the truth.

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