Chapter 16: What a Protective Boyfr- Friend, Protective Friend...

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Wednesday, October 4

"Morning, Marcie, want me to find you at the crosswalk?" Angel texted around the time Marcie woke up.

"Good morning, Angel! Sounds good." Marcie texted back before starting her routine.

Black sweats, oversized purple hoodie, and her long hair untied, Marcie took a long look at herself in the mirror. The last time she wore this, she was noticed for all the wrong reasons, and she knows this could most likely happen again today. Taking multiple deep breaths, Marcie will just have to put some more trust into Angel and his "bodyguard" act.

Marcie honestly felt too scared to step outside, thinking once she steps out that door, eggs will fall onto her head. She even made sure by stepping back when she opened the door wide open. She began walking out the house, out her front yard, and would start her usual walk to school.

As Angel promised, he'd be standing by the crosswalk where he and Marcie first talked. There was awkward eye contact between the two once Marcie got closer and closer to him.

"You ready?" Angel asked to break the silence between them.

"Well... I don't wanna be late for my first class..." Marcie said, trying to find some way to hide her fears.

"Relax," Angel said a little more softly than he would've talked, "Outside of the classroom, I'm not going anywhere," he then said before hitting the crosswalk button.

It was not a long wait, but it still made Marcie anxious. Angel could tell because her quick breathing was that loud. But then, out of some instinct inside of her, Marcie would grab onto Angel's right arm.

"I just said I won't go anywhere." Angel nonchalantly reacted.

"It... um... It just makes me feel more comfortable." Marcie quietly responded, still self-aware of how embarrassing it is for her.

"...If you insist, as long as you don't keep doing that with the other arm."

"H-How is your shoulder anyway?"

"It still hurts when I move it too much. But it's nothing I can't handle."

"I... can't help but sense that you're overlooking this injury..."

"Trust me, Marcie, this is nothing compared to what I've been through before."

"O...okay..." Marcie said as the crosswalk light just turned on. The two would now step onto campus.

Whilst giving Angel directions to her first class, Marcie tried her hardest not to look at anybody and everybody. Passing by the hallways, no matter if they were glancing at her or not, she did not want to engage in any eye contact. It was more or less a relief once Marcie made it to her first classroom but she's still feeling nervous.

"What wrong now? We passed by all those people, and none of them batted an eye on you." Angel asked as Marcie froze up in the sight of her classroom.

"Well, we're still early. Everyone is not here yet. What if I meet those type of people later on today? What if people in this classroom or the other classes recognize me as that type of Marcie again?!? I don't want to feel verbally overwhelmed again." Marcie was about to go on a panic-type rant but Angel placed both his hands on her shoulders.

"Stop feeling insecure," Angel advised, "I just said I'm not going anywhere when it comes to outside the classroom. Besides, unless you actually like your alternative style, I'd rather always take being me, and therefore dress like I'm me."

Marcie couldn't help but nod, and take deep breaths while she's here. "I'm sorry... now I'm feeling a baby with how I'm whining to you about this whole time..."

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