Chapter 24: Family

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Thursday, December 21st

Ahh... finals week. Doesn't everybody love when that weight is lifted off their shoulders?

Angel would walk Marcie home for what would be the last time of this semester. When they got there, it was a little hard to say goodbye.

"So... heh... I guess that's it, for a while at least," Marcie said.

"Yeah...yeah... this is weird already, right?" Angel asked.

"Tell me about it, I'm so used to your company that I thought we'd do this until we're dead."

"Heh, same."


"..." The awkwardness is evident. Neither really wants to say goodbye.

But Marcie went first, "Umm... s-so I guess I'll see you later? Hopefully?"

"I mean, it's not like I'm sick," Angel tried joking, copying Marcie's words from a month ago.

"Funny... but seriously?"

"Yeah, it's only two weeks. We'll talk again, I promise."

"I'll hold you to that... Um, see ya, Angel, have a nice break..."

"You too, Marcie... see ya."

Right as she closed the front door, the void of loneliness is opening up in Marcie again. However, it's also the same for Angel. It's progress for Marcie if she hasn't felt this way in a while, but she was a little more used to this while Angel hasn't. Not feeling much of anything these past few years shows, as all of a sudden his heart started to ache. Not like he's going to need CPR, but it just hurts to think about not seeing Marcie for that long, even though they didn't hang out during Thanksgiving break.

After Angel got picked up by Rosa, he pulls out his phone. Little did he know, Marcie was relaxing in her room when she thought of doing the same thing. Marcie was used to the loneliness, but it's not like she wanted to go back to that. Both typed a question and sent it at almost the same time.

"Wanna do something soon?" - Angel

"Hey, do you wanna come over to my house tomorrow afternoon?" - Marcie

It looked like Angel sent the first text and Marcie responded naturally. But again, both hit "send" not that far apart from each other. Both were shocked, but Angel responded first undisputedly.

"You're okay with that?" - Angel

"My parents won't be home, it's still a workday for them lol" - Marcie

"Well... I guess I'll see you sooner than expected" - Angel

"Likewise ☺️☺️" - Marcie

Friday, December 22nd

*Knock Knock*

"Hi..." Angel greeted nonchalantly.

"W-welcome!" Marcie says as the door is wide open, "Come in, I hope you didn't get cold out there."

"Eh, I told Rosa, and she agreed quicker than I thought, so she dropped me off five minutes ago."

"I see... um... what do want to do now that you're in my house?... Not for the first time..."

"Oh yeah, hah," Angel said as he remembered Homecoming, "Well you don't have anything in mind?"

"I kinda got too excited yesterday that I didn't have an itinerary planned, shows how often I have guests over unless you have an idea."

"Me neither, I'm blank. I thought to leave all that to the host anyway."

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