Chapter 39: The Last Day of School

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Friday, June 1st

The last day of finals is complete. Therefore, school is officially out! One of the best parts about school is its ending, and it is finally here.

Marcie, being the bright genius she was, finished her biology final early. In some of her classes, she can leave class/go home early, including this one, and Mr. Johnson's math class.

After she finished her math final yesterday, she took the time to stay awhile and write a sweet lengthy letter to Mr. Johnson. She thanked him a lot for helping to save her from any more torture done by the has-been populars, and for always being willing to check up on her as well as her classmates. She ended it by saying her life in all aspects is now something she once dreamed of, and part of the journey's beginnings was because of his concern for her and what is right.

Since today her final final was bio, she is technically done with school! She wanted to do something once she finished her final, but she wanted Zuli to come with her. That is thankfully possible since they both studied together, which means Zuli was only five minutes behind when she finished her exam. After the green light from their teacher, they both took off with 45 minutes left in the school day.

*Final Bell of the Year Rings*

Angel was free from his art final. Half of it was actually just the class goofing around since all the work was already completed throughout the semester. Ever since getting a girlfriend, Angel has begun to loosen up and express a little of his sarcastic self to his classmates, somehow making him more likable in a strange way. The last day made him realize how out of all classes, he'll miss this one the most.

He checked his phone at one point during class and got a text from Marcie saying to meet her at the usual group hangout table. When he arrived, he was surprised.

Firstly, it was Zuli that was awaiting at the table. Angel was somewhat confused but he still talked to Zuli, eventually asking where Marcie was.

"Oh... she... is..." Zuli was talking slowly in order to stall.

"Girl, spit it out," Angel said confused about her antics.

And then he was surprised a second time.

There was a party horn noise that came from behind Angel, and suddenly a popping noise that released confetti in the air. It was all Marcie's doing as she then jumped in for a hug. The confetti was raining above them like they were cherry blossom pedals.

"Congrats on finishing finals, mahal ko (my love)."

"Thanks, Marcie. But why the extra shit?"

"Because I had 45 minutes to spare a trip to a Party City. Plus, I felt like it," Marcie said trying to sound sweet.

"Heh, you're weird for that." Angel teased. He funnily got whistled on again for that.

"Alright alright, let's break this up before you guys make out in front of the school," Pauline said as she's walking with Ramon, Frankie, and Teo.

"What makes you think they haven't already?" Frankie slyly asked.

"How would you know?" Ramon then asked.

"Okay guys, let's all chill the fuck right now..." Angel told the boys. Then he quickly stole a kiss from Marcie which grossed out the boys and made Zuli laugh at them. Pauline, not so much...

"Ha... anyways, I got an idea to kick off this summer break," Zuli said that got everyone's attention, "Since the seniors are graduating soon, their post-ceremony event is them launching fireworks at the park."

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