Chapter 34: Girls Talk

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Friday, March 23rd

8:00 PM

*Ding Dong*

"Hi, Ms. Rosa!" Marcie said as the door opened.

"Marcie!" Rosa said as she opened the door, she looked around and saw no other cars around (besides Starla's), "How did you get here? Please tell me you didn't walk all this way in the middle of the night..."

"Um, I snuck out of my house and I wanted to do this on my own. So I'll get straight to the point, can I please talk to Angel this time? It doesn't matter what mood, I just need to talk to him. I did not come all this way to have you turn me around again." Marcie said like a lady on a mission.

Rosa, as much as she wanted to say yes... replied, "Heh, I respect your assertiveness. But this time... it's not about what mood, it's about who he's with... I really don't think you want to see this."

"Oh... I see, I should've figured..." Marcie said, fighting to keep it together.

"Marcie..." Rosa says, feeling bad for how Marcie looks trying not to cry.

"No, it's okay, Ms. Rosa, I've cried enough times for a month..."

"This is my... Angel we're talking about here. I observed from a distance how much he means to you and how much you mean to him. It's okay if you still need to cry some more."

"I messed up... *sniffs* and the fact that the result is right near me..." Marcie said letting a couple of tears fall out. This is the closest she's been to Angel as of late. "All I want to do now is just talk to him, hear his voice again, and tell him many many many things I've been dying to tell him as of late. I don't want to keep it all to myself much longer!"

"Hmm... How about this, let's go out for a walk right now. We can talk about this more while being far away from here," Rosa proposed.

"I-isn't it too late for us ladies to walk around at this time past sundown?"

"Says the girl who walked all this way here?" Rosa teased as she then whips out her pepper spray, "Besides, I'd like to see them try."

Marcie whips out her stun gun, "Very well then..."

8:04 PM

Marcie and Rosa would begin walking around the neighborhood, and the talking would start once Angel's house is out of sight.

"Now, Marcie, we're far away. Tell me what's going on with you lately. There's definitely some catching up we gotta do since we last talked like this," Rosa opened the conversation.

"Yeah... um, earlier today, my friends were at my house and basically were all trying to convince me to get over Angel ever since he got with the person who hates me. The thing is... I can't... It's because I know why he did what he did but I wanted to confirm it with him tonight. But considering you are his guardian, I suppose I can tell you what I think too?"

"Absolutely you can. Tell me what's wrong."

"Okay then... *deep breath* I concluded how I am responsible for Angel feeling so lonely. Ever since I met this group full of real friends, I spent a lot of time with them and I left Angel alone too much. And even though he'd want me to stay with my friends so I can stay happy, I failed to show how he still is the one that also makes me so happy. In turn, he became so lonely to the point where he'd run to Starla because he thought he lost me in every way. Therefore, he had the same desperation as me last semester to not be alone again. I of all people know what that feeling's like, and that's exactly why I got tied up with Starla and CJ when I took them up on their offer. The torture, and being forced to help them cheat on our math test, everything about what they did was wrong. Yet, I didn't mind before because I thought I was making real friends when they were as far from real compared to my group now. Angel was scared to be alone again, so that's why he is making the same mistake with the same person, except she obviously wants more than just homework answers... I believe how that loneliness Angel has stems from when he lost his family, as well as not being in good terms with you as far as I know. So when I came into his life, I never realized until recently how despite him being rough around the edges, he always needed me as much as I needed him.
To you, is that a fair assessment as his 'mother?'"

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