Chapter 19: Closer Step by Step

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Monday, October 16

*Bell Rings*

"So class, the book report will be due by next week, and you will be required to show me the novel of your choosing tomorrow. Happy searching!"

Marcie would walk out of her fifth-period English class to be greeted by Angel's presence minutes later.

"So you now know about the book report?" Angel first asked.

"You already know about it?" Marcie asked back a little surprised.

"I mean, my first class of the day is English. Matter of fact, I also have Ms. Li in there."

"Oh... I... didn't know that..." Marcie said in a way where she regrets it.

"Hey, it's not that big of a problem, don't overthink that."

"R-right... so do you have an idea on what book you wanna do?"

"Not really. Do you?"

"I do... but I'll need to visit Barnes n Noble after school today."

"Oh yeah, because we can't use the school library for this book report?"

"Yes... but the book I want is part of a series I've been reading for a while now, and I want to add it to my collection."

"I see. What series is it?"

"Oh... um..." Marcie was beginning to get embarrassed as her answer isn't anything like Harry Potter or Magic Tree House. "C-can I show you when we get there? I'm sort of uncomfortable saying it out loud..."

"Uh, okay? It's not weird, is it? Cuz if it is, why are you doing that for the report?"

"I-It's not weird!! And it's not like we won't be presenting it to the whole class either."

"I guess not. Speaking of you going to Barnes n Noble, is it fine if I go with you?"

"Of course, you're still my bodyguard, right?"

"I just wanted to ask as your friend too," Angel clarified, gaining a smile from Marcie that he low-key kept thinking about all weekend.

"Hehe... okay then!"

4:00 PM; Barnes n Noble

"Th-thanks," Marcie told Angel as he held the door for her.

Angel would be very quick in deciding that he'll be doing the book report on a sports novel. Specifically, the novel is about football, which is sort of ironic considering CJ.

Marcie, on the other hand, was getting quickly getting off track from the original task. She was distracted by all the new manga series being released, and even though she can't use those for the book report, she wanted to take a peek at them all. While her silent madness was going on, Angel just stood there in the background wondering if he's inside Marcie's second home right now with how erratic she's acting around this many books.

Eventually, Marcie decided to add some books to her shopping cart, definitely more than she intended on buying. For Angel's sake, she eventually found and showed him the book she was looking for:

Soulmates by Carmela Santiago

The reason Marcie felt embarrassed saying the title out loud and showing Angel now, was because it is a romance novel.

"Okay... why is this embarrassing?" Angel says, not understanding Marcie's shy tone.

"I... usually want to read these types of things privately..." Marcie said clutching the book in her arms.

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