Chapter 6: Cheaters Never Prosper

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Thursday, September 7

*Meanwhile in the women's bathroom*

Marcie felt her glasses after reaching around for a few seconds, but Selina was quick enough to snatch them from her hands before she could have a chance to fight back.

Left visually impaired, Marcie was forced to get up in that state. She's still fearful of what's going to happen next after putting two and two together on who are the two girls trapping her in the bathroom.

"Starla..." She called again, "W-what's going on here?"

"As I just said... you are going to promise us that you will not be a snitch like you did when you told Mr. Johnson about us copying your homework. You understand?" Starla asked as if she were a parent giving a strict lecture.

"B-but I didn't snitch... I told you he figured it out first, I didn't tell him the truth until after."

"Whatever, you still exposed us one way or the other. And you will give your word that it won't happen again with what we're about to tell you."

"T-tell me what?"

"Well, as you know," Selina chimed in, "The test is tomorrow..." she explained basically giving the favor away.


"And we came up with a strategy for us ALL to pass, but that plan requires the full cooperation of all FOUR of us," Starla summarized, "We will explain how this plan will work after you agree to keep your mouth shut from now on..."

"You're... You're not going to give me a clue on what the plan is?"

"We'll give you all the clues after you agree first to not be a low-life snitch and rat out our plans to Mr. Johnson before, during, and after the test."

"..." Marcie was very hurt by that insult she had no more answers.

"Have we come to an understanding?" Starla asked.

"F-fine... I'll never Mr. Johnson that I know you guys were planning on cheating, but I don't want to be involved in this scheme either."

"Oh yeah, we also forgot... on top of not snitching, you will not refuse to take part..." Starla said threateningly.


CJ emerged out of the bathroom stall, with his switchblade...

At no point did the blade touch Marcie at all, but it was close enough for her to see, clearly when Selina gave Marcie her eyesight back.

After her glasses were on, Marcie looked down to see the sharp silver object about two-three feet away from her neck. She was frozen still, in fear that CJ will lunge the blade too close to her at any second.

"Please, Marcie," CJ said, "It's more than football this time. If you make me do this... none of us will pass this test, none of us here..."

Fearing for her own life, a tear was starting to trickle out of Marcie's eye. She's trapped in the bathroom with two "friendly" girls gone bad, and a dude (who somehow didn't get caught going in) holding something that can instantly end her life.

She was forced to concede. "I...I...I promise... I promise with everything that I will never say anything nor back down from your plan..."

The two girls looked at each other as if they were still questioning it. Marcie quickly responded to their facial expressions by saying, "I'll say it again, just, please... p-please without the knife."

Selina gave the nod to CJ to seal the switchblade and put it away. Finally, Marcie felt free to even breathe again.

"What is the plan? I swear to keep my mouth shut after I leave this bathroom..."

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