Chapter 9: The Prank Heard Around the School

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Friday, September 22

"You know, for someone who lost his football career instantly, I'm surprised Starla is madder at the nerd than me," CJ said still at the secluded spot.

"When you're a candidate for Homecoming royalty, and you being caught cheating means you're stripped of such privilege... that's all Starla needs to become the meanest girl in the world. I saw it happen in the past, and it was before we were together," Selina explained.

"Before? What happened to her?"

"Had beef with someone in middle school, and it ended up with a bunch of rotten eggs thrown at her. But in addition to why, last year she was the one out of us three openly complaining about Mrs. Lee in front of her face, and now she's gotta face off with her again?"

"Yeah, she's not happy at all, is that why she's hiding what her 'revenge play' is gonna be?"

"Probably. Speaking of which I forgot to tell you, Starla told me yesterday that we got to hide somewhere after school to film and help out with her prank."

"Where exactly?"

*3:30 PM / After School*

Starla instructed CJ and Selina to hang around the outside of the cafeteria in order to help her set up a Home Alone type of contraption involving a rope, and a bucket.

"You really expect her to pass by here in this direction?" CJ asked as he's placing the bucket above the ground.

"Don't you remember that it was you that followed her home and gave us the route? Therefore know the route too, or is your CTE starting to kick in? Either way, be quiet for this one, I know what I'm doing." Starla rudely replied. She's that upset and that eager for what's about to happen.

"...Okay... she's the reason my career is over, but okay..."

"Alright, this is perfect, and a few people are still hanging around here this will be marvelous... she should pass by here any minute so everybody get into position," Starla instructed as she begins going to hide behind a bush.

"*sigh* This is the boring part, who knows when that nerd will show up," CJ said quickly getting impatient.

"Babe, focus," Selina said, "But did you notice the awful smell coming from the bucket?"

"Heh, yeah, I can't wait for this to be recorded..."

Marcie was on her way home and passing by the cafeteria, a little curious what's in that bucket... and wait is that--

There was no time to think about CJ and Selina hanging out there because Starla would jump out from the bushes to pull Marcie from the hair and use that to forcefully drag her to the desired location.

"S-Starla! What are you doing?!"

"Shut the fuck up, now stay there and make this easy for Mr. Michaels," Starla demanded as she signaled CJ to physically pin Marcie in one of the cafeteria doors.

"Get ready to become as famous in this school as me, you bitch." CJ sinisterly said as he gave the signal that he's pinned Marcie tight. With that football strength, Marcie couldn't go anywhere.

Starla received the signal, confirmed Selina was filming this part, and then she pulled the rope swiftly and immediately. What happened next ... ... ... 

What happened next was that a bucket full of rotten egg yolk was dumped into Marcie.

"OH!!!" Goes CJ, Selina, and the public crowd who caught eye of what just happened.

The surprise and shock of getting covered all of a sudden, the panic that came from not being able to see clearly, and worst of all, the sounds of the reactions coming from the other students. Meaning that all attention is on her for the worst reasons, Marcie didn't need to see this reality in order to feel this mortified. She was so embarrassed that she just stood there and froze. Even though CJ let go of her at this point, she didn't think to run because for one she couldn't exactly see behind the egg yolk, and with how many strangers she assumed were there, and how loud they were laughing and saying stuff at her, she imagined there was no escape.

"Hey, Selina, keep filming, I'm not done. I gotta help rinse her out." Starla said reaching inside her bag. She'd then pull out a bunch of pre-loaded water balloons and fired away.

Marcie tried to wipe some of the egg yolks from her eyes in order to see a little clearer, but the first thing she saw was a water balloon coming for her, and it struck her right in the face. "OH!" Then another one struck her, and again, and again, and again. "OH! OH! OH! OH!" Like having dodgeballs thrown at her back in elementary school, Marcie would argue that being struck with water balloons is worse because at least dodgeballs don't leave you soaked. Regardless, the endless barrage of water balloons eventually took Marcie to the ground where she curled up to a ball, just praying Starla would eventually stop.

However, Starla was angry and willing to take out all frustrations of losing so much on Marcie. She was aggressive and remorseless with throwing the water balloons and was eventually making people wonder how many water balloons are loaded in her backpack. Better yet, how the hell was she able to carry that much throughout the school day? Ultimately, the only way to finally stop her was to have campus security come through and hold her down. When that happened, Selina finally stopped recording the video.

Marcie was completely soaked from the head, shoulders, knees to toes. Even so, the campus security guard who went to tend to her can see the tears coming out of her eyes.

As the prank was over, all the public attention quickly faded away, as in everybody started walking away. Many people were talking about what just transpired, and they all expressed their own opinions, but pretty much the only person to not do that was Angel. As usual, his expression never changed throughout the whole event, but all he did was stare at the poor girl who was still crying and watched as the security guard escorted her to the office. Something about the sound of that girl crying, Angel can tell they weren't crocodile tears. Marcie made Angel feel bad and had him come to the conclusion that whatever the hell was that, that girl did not deserve it.

Angel began considering helping her out himself but was stopped after he finally heard a notification go off on his phone. He had 5 missed calls from Rosa, and a few text messages saying she's here. The most recent one from just now says, "Wow, why is a bunch of people JUST starting to leave campus? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I'm coming." Angel texted back. He took one last look at the girl before walking away.

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