Chapter 31: Family Argument

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"Well... even if he did, he should've seen the whole thing."

"What if he didn't?"

"...Wait what?"

"I'm saying... what if he stormed off early and never saw the part where you rejected Teo?"

"I... you might be on to something... but that's only if he saw what happened. I might need to visit his house soon, that's the only way I can get him to talk at this point."

"Do you need company?"

"No thanks, Zuli's taser is good enough. Plus I want to face this on my own."

"Okay then, just don't make out with Angel when you finally see him again."



"Although if the timing's right, I guess I'll tell him how I really feel about him..."

"What are you going to tell him?"

"Pretty much what I told you guys. Why I love Angel."

Friday, February 23

Before Marcie, Angel would want to get picked up by Rosa right after school. Before Marcie, there wasn't anything he wouldn't have wanted to do, so why linger any longer?

After Marcie, he would go back to that routine.

Rosa figured something went wrong ever since Angel requested to pick him up immediately after school again. She thought it was going to be a one-time thing but it has become a daily occurrence for what's about to last for one week now.

The last time Angel left school right after it ended actually was during the time Marcie was sick. But this time around, Angel was radio silent about his reasons for this streak. By the end of the week, Rosa thought to confront him during the ride home and get an answer out of him.

It would be after they left the school parking lot that Rosa would start the interrogation.

"Soooo Angel, how was school today?" Rosa asked, trying to slowly ease into the elephant in the room... or car for that matter.

"What do you think is so different?" Angel sarcastically replied.

"Well, I'd assume every day would be an adventure for you, especially ever since Mar—"

"It was okay," Angel answered, immediately dodging from hearing her name.

"Okay? What did you do that made it okay?"

"Didn't need to present today, don't have much homework and nobody disturbed me at all. It's all okay..."

"...Nobody disturbed you? Literally nobody, and you're okay with that?"

"I know what I said, yes," Angel began looking away and staring at his window as the car is moving.

"Well of course there's nothing wrong with that. But it's been a week now since you told me the same thing. You sure there's nothing else that went on today?"

"Yes." As he said that, Angel continued looking away. Rosa decided slowly easing into the conversation wasn't working so she decided to just get straight to the point.

"You know I haven't seen Mar—" Rosa was cut off by Angel making some groaning sound, just trying anything to make Rosa not say her name.

"I'm just saying every time I pick you up on campus you're always waiting alone and not with Marci—"

"And why is that so important?!" Angel talked back in a rude manner.

Rosa chuckled at Angel's attitude and decided to put her foot down... on the brakes and pulled over.

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