Chapter 13: Stopping a Bully = Drawing Blood

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Monday, October 2

As Angel was getting ready for school, he began wrapping his hands as if he were about to get into a boxing match. The twist is, that the hard concrete blocks made from the plaster of Paris were snuck into the hand wraps and taped tightly right in front of his knuckles. He made sure Rosa won't question this by hiding his hands in his jacket pockets the whole time.

*8:00 AM; Cafeteria*

"Yo CJ, it's me."

"Gary? What's up, my man? Has the team collapsed without me yet?"

"N-no, actually the opposite. But as your former quarterback, I think you should know this if you haven't."

"Know what?"

"So you haven't... an anonymous account posted this..." Gary shows the video Angel posted. The controversial conversation.

"What the fuck? How did someone get this?"

"Do you not remember some other dude being with us when we were talking?"

"Shit! Who the hell was he?"

"I dunno anymore man, but yeah that's the warning, you're in deeper shit than you already are for being banned off the team. But whatever you have to do to fix this, please don't use the knif—" Gary couldn't finish his sentence before seeing CJ having a grip on that thing. Gary took a few steps back.

"Too late, I have an idea of other people responsible for this... and I have nothing to lose. So if I'm going to a deeper hell, I'm sending someone with me first."

"CJ... what self-seeking glory, and CTE, can do to your head..." Gary muttered under his breath as he walked away from his former uncontrollable teammate.

*3:30 / After School*

All day Marcie's been anxious to know what Angel has in mind, better yet if he is actually going to do something. That anticipation of waiting for the moment was finally able to nullify most of her attention and hearing away from the public gossip because she was that focused on herself now. So much so, that she would barely have a clue about the new rumors going around campus.

As Marcie took her alternative route back from school, Starla's car would slowly stalk her. The loud engine made Marcie sure there was an appearance, making her more scared by the second. The loud engine served as a noise blocker for CJ and Selina to open the door and ambush Marcie from behind.

"Hey Starla, gimme five minutes with this bitch!"  CJ aggressively ordered, like for once he's the leader. Starla didn't say anything but drive off because that's what getaway drivers do.

"Wh-why are you getting involved now—" Marcie was then shocked by the blade being in front of her. It was that traumatic experience all over again.

"Because I have more reasons than these ladies now! Who the hell are you to influence this guy posting this video?!?" CJ angrily asked whilst holding the phone with the post on it.

"I... I don't know about this..." Marcie replied quietly

"Shut up! YES, YOU DO!" CJ exploded in a blind rage.

"I had nothing to do with that video it's only the person who posted this!"

"Oh... okay. Like I'm not supposed to believe you played a part in ruining my life forever? My dreams are all gone! GONE! And this all stems from the fact that you couldn't do your job. My baby and Starla were supposed to teach you a lesson on messing with people's dreams by now but I think I know the perfect way to get it through to you," CJ ranted while testing out the sharpness of the blade, "But first and foremost, you can be the goody two shoe snitch that you are, and tell me who exactly this @bojisnla402817 is supposed to be? Or you can just save yourself the trouble and admit that this is just your own account."

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