Chapter 4: One Dangerous Teammate

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Tuesday, August 22

"Marcie, meet me in the same spot at lunch," Starla whispered as she entered class.

"O-okay," Marcie said out loud, but her voice was as loud as Starla's whisper.

Following math class, Starla made sure to talk to Marcie again right after the lunch bell hits. On behalf of CJ and Selina, Starla would kindly ask for Marcie's homework again whilst clearing up some confusion.

"Hey Marcie, so can we get your homework again? From yesterday?"

"Oh... sorry, I thought this was a one-time thing," Marcie replied after Starla asked.

"Hehe, what made you think that? I'd assume our reasons for asking yesterday would make you believe this is how it's going to be now, right?"

"Y-you never directly said that, so I wouldn't assume something like that."

"Well like I said yesterday, athletics and academics can be very hard to balance, you think we three figured that out overnight last night?" Starla jokingly asked.

"Heh... I guess not since you're here."

"And remember, it's not like we're asking this for every class, we just don't like math that's all."

Marcie replied with a confused face towards that suspicious statement.

"I mean... because we're struggling with learning this subject. That's why we personally don't like math," Starla corrected, "and since we're so busy after school, we can't make time for tutoring or anything else but this."

"I see..." Marcie then reached for her bag and gave up her homework again, "Here it is then..."

"Thanks so much, Marcie, you're really a great help!" Starla said happily as she heads on her own way.

"Y-you're welcome!" Marcie replied feeling a little better about herself now.

Now that Marcie's confusion has been cleared up, she'd be expecting to see at least Starla right after class, every single day. And very quickly, this homework-giving thing started to become a routine/chore with the same ending. The bad thing with a routine, is that with time, the good deed just becomes more stale and less exhilarating than the day before.

Wednesday, August 23

"Thank you so much, Marcie! You have no idea how much of a help you are!"

Thursday, August 24

"Thank you, Marcie, we appreciate it!"

Friday, August 25

"We appreciate it, Marcie!"

Monday, August 28

"Thank you so much, Marcie!"

Tuesday, August 29

"Thank you, Marcie!"

Wednesday, August 30

"Thanks, Marcie!"

Thursday, August 31


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