Chapter 29: The First Heartbreak

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Wednesday, February 14

By then, Angel has realized what he wants. Perfect timing since today is Valentine's Day as well, so he knew exactly what he wanted to do in order to tell Marcie... what he wants to tell her.

He made sure to be sitting at the crosswalk bright and early and surely enough there was Marcie trotting along, somehow looking prettier than ever from Angel's perspective. His heart starts beating a little more once she smiled at him and offered her hands to lift him up.

"Up you go!" Marcie said cheerfully as she helped Angel up.

"Someone seems happy," Angel said trying to act nonchalant.

"Well... let's just say I got plans for Valentine's Day today!" Marcie said surprisingly so casually.

Obviously, that struck a nerve in Angel, internally getting upset, but he kept calm in order to learn what she means. "Oh, with whom?" He asks, trying not to explode and jump to conclusions.

"My friends, of course! We're all going to go to get dinner at this steakhouse place tonight because there's a big discount for couples," Marcie explained.

"Oh..." Angel says, with more relief that she's not taken. But wait a minute... "Discount for couples?!?" He asks with a little more emotion than he wanted to.

"Yeah, since there are three boys and three girls in our group, we'll pretend we're going as three couples so our bill will shrink a good amount," Marcie explained further.

"So... devious, especially for someone like you..."

"Hehe, I swear it wasn't my idea!" Marcie pleaded, "Ramon found the flyer a few days ago and made up this convoluted plan by himself to 'scam' the restaurant. It's quality food at a cheaper price, you have to understand, can you?"

"I could, but I never ate at a restaurant like a steakhouse in a long time."

"True, we only go to the boba place if anything. Perhaps we can go somewhere similar sometime soon?" Marcie asked in a friendly manner.

Angel, blushing on the inside, thought about accepting but instead remembered what he wanted to do today. He had an idea to get alone time with Marcie, "Hm, maybe I can pull you aside during lunch today, and we can plan that out then?"

"Why can't we do it right now?"

"I don't know my schedule these next few weeks, I think Rosa is trying to push for me to do something with her eventually," Angel quickly lied, "But I wanted to let you know now as a heads up because I don't want to talk to you in front of your group just yet..."

"I understand. Well, you can text me when you're ready and I'll excuse myself from our usual shenanigans for a moment, sound good?"

"Sounds great."

"Great! I'll look forward to it!"

"Wait, can I ask one more thing?" Angel asked, not caring how risky this question is...

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Who's your 'date?'" Angel bluntly asks.

"Frankie, us girls drew straws yesterday and I got him." Marcie said, no problem.

"I see, that's dope," Angel said, more relaxed. He thinks Frankie is cool too, so if anything at least it wasn't someone else, right?


*Bell Rings*

As Angel got out of his class, he had some thoughts on what he'll actually say to Marcie. Because perhaps, this dinner planning thing could very well be their first date... He surprisingly never thought of it like that, hell he hasn't been thinking the same ever since he indulged in what Marcie means to him these past weeks. Love can do that to some people, all of a sudden Angel can't think straight like he used to, but then again he's always led with his heart.

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