||Chapter 1||

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Tommy POV

A meeting was being held to catch a thief they called Simons. He was so very evil. Name a bad thing and he'd done it. I really feel this guy needs to be caught, y'know? Though he sounds amazing from what I hear. Perhaps he's rather lovely if you get to know him.

This is why I'm obviously going to the meeting. I have to know who they're gonna send after him this time. And ofcourse I'd go dressed all shady- For I am who they wish to catch.

Thomas Simons- I prefer Tommy, it's what my friends call me. Not that I have any and it's not like anyone knows my name...- Doesn't matter though! I'm just going to this because I need to know what idiot they're going to be sending after me now.

Honestly I had no worries going into this, because I've never been caught. Not even scratched or touched. You could call me cocky, but I'm just that good at what I do.

Ranboo POV

I was washing my hands after using the restroom. Today I was gonna be hired to kill a theif here in this kingdom. Supposedly this guy was impossible to catch and incredibly fast and clever. But- I had no doubt in my mind he'd end up hung or dead by my doing.

I finished up washing my hands then left outside to the court room where this big meeting was being held. I was supposed to be up there already, so I picked up the pace.

I walked faster and bumped into this old man with a light brown cloak on. I knocked him down and his hood fell off to reveal a pretty blonde boy with fluffy short hair, sparkling blue eyes, and some adorable freckles. He wasn't old that's for sure. I'd say a little younger then myself.

The boy blushed and put his hood back on quickly. I reached my hand out, "Apologies young sir, I wasn't looking where I was going."

He hesitated, but took my hand. I helped him up back onto his feet. He cleared his throat, "No worries."

"Uhm, why are you wearing a cloak?" I asked curious.

"None of your concern- Were you not told to mind your own buisness?" He said a little upset.

"My apologies sir, just curious. Uhm could I perhaps get a name?" I asked hopeful.

He blushed lightly and pulled his hood down more to cover his face, "T- To- No."

I frowned, "Hmmm, disappointing- You intrigued me."

He awkwardly laughed, "Yeah- very funny."

I blushed- I almost just outed myself to a stranger.

Sadly, liking the same sex was seen as different. And not many liked those who liked the same gender. I however liked both men and women.

"Wasn't joking- But anyways, I must be going." I said and kissed the boys hand, "My apologies again, young sir."

I let go and then walked off to the front of the room.

Tommy POV

The boy walked up to the front of the room as I went to take a seat. Dirty blonde hair- practically brown. Greyish blue eyes and a kind smile. A black shirt with a rifle strapped across his body and resting on his back. Black cargo pants, black hiking boots and a dark purple cloak. He had a bunch of pockets which was odd- Only people like me or hit men usually have lots of pockets.

I blushed lightly, Could he be like me?

Not a chance he likes the same sex.

Me....I've always been attracted to men. I only use my looks on women because there's a better chance it'll work, but truly men are just hot!

Cloak Boy ||Tomboo||Where stories live. Discover now