||Chapter 5||

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Tommy POV

I was at the back of the bank, trying to get in through the back door. I took out my lock pick- It was thin and rigid on the end. I used it to unlock the back door of the bank and then walked in.

I made my way to the back room where they kept the big safe. I didn't want to blare the alarm like last time- So this time I'd came prepared.

I took out my water cantine and took a drink. Then used a dagger to cut the wires to the alarm system. Finally, I poured the water over the code panel. It fried it and it malfunctioned- Luckily technology isn't very advanced, so no alarms went off this way.

I quickly went to the safe door and pulled on it. It budged open and I smiled, "Lovely."

I obviously couldn't take it all- It was just impossible. And what fun would it be to make the bank go broke?- Then I wouldn't be able to rob it anymore.

I took only the essential amount- and then some...Anyways!- Once I was done, I closed the safe and exited through the same door. I climbed ontop of the building next door and looked around for Ranboo.

Guess he really is resting...

Oh well!

I made my way out of town and into the forest.

|Time Skip|

Ranboo POV

I was rudely awoken by banging on my door. I got up and groaned in pain-

Forgot about my leg...

The knocking got louder. I sighed, "I'm coming! Jeez!"

I made my way over to the front door and opened it. It was the banker he seemed angry....pissed off.

"What's the matter sir?" I asked.

"You're in there taking a nice rest!- While that Simons broke into my bank, fried my security system, and robbed me!" He yelled spitting in my face.

I wiped my face with my sleeve, "Well excuse me sir, but I was stabbed. Now forgive me for taking a rest- Would you like me to be up 24/7 and never sleep?"

He huffed, "Don't mock me boy!- Just catch that dam crook already! If you're really the best- then why haven't you caught him!?"

"I'm sorry- but how about you try catching Simons, hm? See what I'm dealing with." I said a little frustrated.

He sighed, "I could never...."

"Mhmm, so don't come banging on my door and try to tell me how to do my job. I'll catch him, okay?- Have some patience sir." I said calmly.

He clenched his fist, "My apologies...I got fired up."

"You'll have justice soon sir." I said and closed the door.

I heard his footsteps fade away and I walked over to my bed again. I collapsed in bed, Simons is making me look like a dam fool....I mean- two crimes in one day?!

He must be all they say he is.

I sighed and layed back down in bed, "Today was your day Simons. Tomorrow is mine."

|Time Skip|

Tommy POV

New day! I got up and put my light brown cloak on. I folded my black and white one and put it in my satchel along with my shades. I refilled my water cantine and then I was off into town.

I wonder what I'll do today!

Ranboo POV

Simons is gonna be caught today! I mean it! He's so dead- After making me look like an idiot who doesn't know how to do their owm job!- I'm tired of him.

I got up out of bed and I took the time to clean my weapons. Then I grabbed the wrap and disinfectant to return to Simons when I see him.

My injury felt better today, I was in less pain than yesterday. So I figured that was good.

Now I'm ready to go out into town and catch this criminal!

My stomach growled. I laughed, And get some breakfast.

I left my room and the building. I walked down the streets and made my way to the bakery. I really loved the strawberry buns they made their.

Usually they sold out quickly. I was really hungry this morning after that chase yesterday- and I could really use some food. I picked up the pace and rushed into the bakery. I hit someone and they fell.

"Mph!" He winced as he hit the floor.

It was Cloak Boy. I reached out my hand, "I- I'm so sorry!- I didn't see you there, and I was rushing..."

He didn't take my hand. He helped himself up, "Do you ever watch where you're going?"

"I do!- I just....was in a hurry to get breakfast?" I awkwardly answered.

He sighed and we both took a step towards the door. I backed up nervous, "After you."

He walked in and walked up to the counter, "Hello, can you grab me a strawberry bun and a latte?"

I got in line behind him. The lady smiled, "Well lucky you! That's the last strawberry bun we've got today."

I sighed sadly, Damit.

Cloak Boy noticed, but I couldn't tell if he even cared. The lady handed him his things and he payed. Then he walked off.

I walked up, "Can I get a coffee cake bun and choclate milk?"

She brought it to me and I payed. I walked out of the bakery and sat down at the usual bench. I sadly opened my chocolate milk and began to drink it.

Someone sat down, but I didn't care to look. I was too sad right now-

First off I didn't get the strawberry bun! And secondly- Cloak Boy obviously dislikes me...

The person scooted closer and I finally looked. It was Cloak Boy. He extended his hand out with the strawberry bun.

I blushed, "Wh- What?"

"Just take it...." He mumbled.

I smiled, "You sure?"

"Take it before I change my mind." He said and so I grabbed it.

"Thankyou, but....what're you gonna eat?" I asked.

He shrugged. I slid him my coffee cake bun and he picked it up. He mumbled, "Thanks."

I scooted closer, "Why do you always have your hood on?"

"Why do you always ask questions?" He remarked.

I frowned, "S- Sorry...."

He sighed, "I feel more comfortable with it on. It hides my face."

I smiled, "Oh okay..."

We fell silent now.

1,064 words
Early upload!!!
Thanks for reading :D
See you in the next one!

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