||Chapter 3||

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Ranboo POV

Third day.

This is it! I'm gonna catch Simons this time. Today is the day, I've got this!

I walked into town and walked around observing the area. All of a sudden my shoulder was tapped. I turned around to see Cloak Boy. Not his face just him with his hood on.

I smiled, "Hello."

"Hey uhm- Ranboo, was it?" He asked.

"Yes." I smiled.

"I think I saw that no good Simons over there down at the bank! Please won't you hurry and save the day Ranboo!?" Cloak Boy said sounding worried.

I ran off in the direction of the bank right away. As I arrived I stormed in, "Where is he!?"

The banker raised a brow, "Who?"

"Simons!- The boy said he was here...." I said embarrassed.

"Nothing wrong here sir." The banker said then asked, "You feeling alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I said the left and hurried back to where I'd been before.

The old man from the market seemed upset. I went inside, "Anything the matter?"

"Yeah! That Simons shop lifted again! I'd chase his ass down, but I'm too old for that! Where were you Ranboo?!" The old man complained. 

"My apologies sir, I got side tracked." I apologized then left.

I groaned, What's up with me?!

I'm always on point- I have perfect persision, and a great eye for observing.

I dunno whats going on with me.

I sighed and went to the bakery. I went and got a strawberry bun with choclate milk. I took a seat out on a bench and ate.

Don't worry Ranboo.

Tomorrow is your day.

Tommy POV

Ranboo sat alone on a bench eating his pastry and drinking choclate milk like a sad little kid. 

My stomach felt all wierd. It was like I felt guilty....He looked so sad and disappointed in himself.

I shook it off, "Foolish boy- He isn't cut out for this job."

I walked right by unnoticed and all the way back home.

Ranboo POV

Tomorrow I'll get him, no doubt.

|Time Skip|

Tommy POV

Fourth day and Ranboo was doing a real shit job. He was so hung up on 'Cloak Boy', he couldn't do his job.

I was in town and I wore the black and white cloak. Today there was a delivery out by the harbor. Apparently there was a little bit of money or gold being exchanged for something else. Obviously- The money would be mine.

So here I was at the harbor crouching down by a bush, waiting for the perfect time to swoop in and steal.

Ranboo POV

There was a shipment at the Harbour today. The banker had a little bit of gold on its way to the safe. And if this Simons is as daring as they say he is- There's not a chance he'd miss this.

So I stood close by behind a tree, watching. Waiting for the crook to swoop in and snatch the gold. Then I'd catch him and the kingdom would be forever grateful. Not to mention- My contractor.

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