||Vol.2|Chapter 4||

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Ranboo POV

Today had been decent. I mean I got to see Tommy which was great. He still loves me, but he has a boyfriend.

Besides that, I went to the barber and I got a haircut. Mainly because it was really long and Tommy did say I needed one. So now it was back to how it had been before.

I had had dinner earlier at some random diner. It was nice for what it was.

At the moment I was walking through town out to the docks. It wasn't exactly 11 yet, but it was getting there. As I was walking down the road I saw people going back inside and closing up their shops.

When I walked past Tommy's bakery I saw his boyfriend walk out. That was strange, Why's he going out so late?

Is he going out to the pub with friends?What the heck is he doing?.....

I let my curiosity get the best of me. And so I followed him without being caught or noticed. Then I saw him knock on a house door. A woman came out and they hugged very affectionately. Then they talked and he slipped her....money?! Now he walked into the house and the door closed.

I smiled happily, Let's go! Tommy's being cheated on! I should tell him, and then he'll break up with that dirt bag and get with me! Oh it'll be great!

Tommy's being cheated on!.....Oh.

Tommy's being cheated on...Oh shoot. Poor Tommy. He'll probably be devastated. Should I tell him?- Will he believe me? Will I ruin his life if I do?....I mean- he deserves to know. And yeah- I'm gonna tell him, for his own good and well being.

I hurried off to Tommy's bakery. I wasn't much of a rule breaker, so I knocked. He didn't come to the door, so I knocked again. Still no answer, so I tried to knock extremely loud.

Then I saw lights go on and a tired Tommy open the door, "Jeez Dean, you're always forgetting your keys. Now come to bed."

He yawned and hurried off back upstairs to the bedroom. I closed the door and locked it. Then I went upstairs and into the bedroom. I sat down on the bed, "Tommy?"

He turned over in bed to face away from me, "I told you, I'm tired. I don't wanna be touched right now."

My eyes widened, What the heck did that guy do to him?

I sighed, "Tommy I'm not D-"

"Fine, okay please don't hurt me! Just don't touch my private again like last night. That hurt....Please be gentle." He said curling up in a ball not facing me.

I scoffed, What?! I'll kill that guy, I swear.

"Its Ranboo." I said quietly.

Tommy turned around and turned red, "Oh shit....Oh shit!"

I blushed lightly then grabbed his hand, "Tommy, he touches you when you ask him not to?- He hurts you?- Tommy, what does he do to you?"

He gulped and took his hand away, "If I tell you, he'll-" he backed away and shook his head violently.

I tilted my head slightly, "Oh Tommy, come here. I'm not gonna hurt you- ever."

Tommy sniffled and crawled over to me. He hugged me and I hugged him tightly, "Tell me?"

He nodded, "Lay down with me?"

I pulled away and kicked my boots off. Then I took my cloak off and put my bag down. I got in bed and Tommy hug my torso then bury his head in my chest.

"C'mon Tommy, tell me- What'd he do to you last night?" I asked nervous for him to even reply.

"He pinned me d- down. He took my clothes of me. He marked my t- tummy and chest. Afterwards he said we were done. So he let me go to bed. But in the middle of the night....he grabbed it.....my private part. And he squeezed and pl- played with it. I- I cried for him to stop...But he- he said that couples do that. That- That it's 'normal'. Is it normal Ranboo?" He sniffled and hugged me tighter.

"Sure, if you like it and consent to it- It can be normal. But it doesn't sound like you gave consent. And it's not normal if he's touching you in your sleep." I frowned hugging him tighter too.

"Dean said consent is something you give when you're not with someone. But when you're with them- They don't need consent anymore. He said that boyfriends can touch each other how they want to when they want to." Tommy said sounding actually serious.

My heart hurt, "No Tommy. Consent is always gonna be there, and always gonna be needed. It's your body, even if he's your boyfriend he can't touch you like that."

Tommy nodded, "Oh....I- I didn't know."

"Is there anything else I should know about?- You said he hurts you...." I brought it up because I needed to know.

He nodded again, "Yeah. When I say no he will uhm....smack me...or sometimes bruise me. Other times he chokes me.....,but it's okay. Because Dean said the 'dominate male' is always in charge. That I'm his, so he tells me what to do."

I held Tommy's face, "No one owns you, okay?- Never let him hit you or choke you. And he's not in charge of anything. You tell yourself what to do, make your own choices, yeah?"

"Okay..." He said a little unsure.

"What about money?- Does he tell you anything about money?" I asked.

He thought then answered, "He said what's mine is his and what's his is mine. That we should always share."

"Tommy you have a fortune!" I scoffed.

He shrugged, "Yeah, but Dean doesn't have a lot. So I'm okay when he goes and makes large purchases. He says bills are very expensive, so it's fine."

No. All that money is going to prostitutes.

"That's your money. I gave you that to better yourself, and only you. So you never share money or expenses till you've married someone or they seriously need it, got it?" I told him sternly.

He nodded, "Uhm...okay."

I sighed, "Tommy I don't think this Dean is good for you. You should break it off." 

He shrugged, "I dunno....I'll think on it. Plus you might just be jealous...Either way, can you sleep here with me?- Dean won't be back till morning and...I haven't been cuddled in a while. Not what he does ofcourse, just like- held very gently?"

I nodded because I didn't care if we were caught. Infact- I kinda wanted to be caught. I layed down fully and got under the blankets with Tommy. I lay on my back looking up at the cieling.

Tommy scooted very close, "I consent to you touching me in my sleep Ranboo. I won't mind it- except my private parts. Please don't touch those."

I turned red, "What!?"

He blushed lightly, "Well, Dean touches me when I'm sleeping. He says that it's fine cause I'm his anyways."

"Never let anyone touch you in your sleep. Unless it's cuddles like hugs or hand holding, and especially don't let them touch private parts. I just told you." I said angry at this Dean guy.

"Oh....Sorry." He frowned.

"Its not your fault Tommy- Don't you say sorry." I said softly.

"Will you hug me and hold me? And just be affectionate, please?" Tommy asked hopeful.

I hugged his waist and whispered in his ear, "Goodnight Tommy. I love you."

"Put your hands under my shirt and then hug me- Oh and...Goodnight Ranboo. I love you." He said sweetly.

I moved my hands under his shirt and hugged his bare waist to sleep, "Sleep tight my love."

Tommy hummed and snuggled closer.

1,309 words
Thanks for reading!
I'll see you tomorrow.
Later Gamers and Gaymers! <3

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