||Chapter 20||

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Repeated Quick Note Again: For information, the bolded italics is Tommy talking out of turn- sorta like he's breaking a fourth wall in his flashback- if that makes sense. And the rest will be written normally, but know it's a flashback.

Tommy POV

I ran fast through the forest looking for Tubbo, Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Shit!

I finally came across him. He was propped up on his elbows on the floor backing up slowly from the other mercenary.

As I took a closer look at Tubbo my breath hitched. His eye stabbed out all bloody. As blood streamed down his face.

He pleaded, "Stop! Stop! Please!"

I began crying and ran at the mercenary in green. I knocked him to the floor and stabbed his arm, "Fucking bitch! I'm gonna kill you!"

I lifted my knife and was gonna go crazy stabbing him. But my arm was grabbed and I was slammed on the floor with my arm bent back ready to break.

You useless idiot.

"Sorry kid. I'm gonna spare you- Cause you spared me. But I can't let you kill my boyfriend." The one in blue sighed.

I cried and looked to Tubbo. I mouthed, 'Run'. He hurried up onto his feet, but was immediately caught by the one in green. He kicked Tubbo to the ground and slashed him with a sword.

"Tubbo!" I screamed, "Fuck you!"

I sobbed as the man dropped my arm and yelled, "Dream! Why'd you do that?!"

"H- He was running..." The man in green said like it was obvious.

"He's fucking- 16 or younger!" The guy yelled pushing his boyfriend.

The man in green lifted his mask up looking terrified, "What?"

"He lied....Our contractor- he lied." The brunette told him.

I got up and picked up my knife. I stood up and huffed. I ran at the guy in blue, but the blonde grabbed his boyfriend, "George!"

I fell to the floor from how quick my momentum had been. The one in green held up a shield, "Don't. I didn't know you were kids..."

I wiped my face and sniffed, "Fucking leave! You fucking pricks!"

They ran off and I hurried over to Tubbo.

"Tubbo! Tubbo hold on, okay?- I'll run to the house- get everything I need to help you and everything will be fine!" I sobbed.

"That'll-" He gulped, "Take too long...I'm finished Tommy."

"No! Fine then!- I'll carry you back!" I cried, "Just hold on! Don't let go! Cause I'm not letting go Tubs! Please!" I cried.

"T-" Tubbo coughed up blood, "Tommy- Its okay. Just- Promise me-...." He took a quick breath, "Don't blame yourself..."

I shook my head, "I can't!- Its all my fault!"

"Take my satchel Tommy-" He coughed, "Yours is beat up anyway."

I took it off him then hugged him, "I love you Tubbo.."

"I love you Tommy." He sniffled and hugged me back. 

I kissed his head, "I'm so fuckin sorry."

"I forgive you big man- bye now." He let out a shaky exhale then his arms fell down from once hugging me.

I held him in my arms as I burry my head in his hair crying, "I'll never forgive myself Tubbo- I'm sorry, but I can't promise you anything..." I hiccuped and sobbed, "Its always my fault....I'm so sorry."

You fucking useless idiot...

"I hate myself...I killed you Tubbo-" I screamed into the empty forest, "Fuck! I hate everything!"

I sniffled and stay there beside my dead brother sobbing.

Everything faded out and my vision went slowly black.

|End of Flashback|

Tommy POV

My vision slowly came back and I opened my eyes. I looked up at the unfamiliar cieling. I mumbled, "Where am I?"

I yawned and sniffled. I felt numb as I sat up in bed. I looked around the room which slowly became recognizable.

Ranboo's room.

I groaned and then felt something drip onto my lap on the blanket. A tear. I wiped my face and sniffled. I sighed and gulped.

I didn't feel like getting up...or doing anything at all. But- I was very hungry.

"Ranboo!?" I called out.

Ranboo hurried into the bedroom, "Hey sleepy boy, you're finally awake."

I smiled, "Did you make food?"

"Yeah- I made lunch, but you slept through that. So....Now I have dinner made for you." He said walking over to me.

"Thankyou." I yawned.

He cupped my face and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. He raised a brow, "Were you crying?"

I blushed embarrassed, "N- No..."

He sighed, "Why were you crying?"

"Bad dream is all." I gulped.

He nodded, "Okay, well I'm gonna go get you dinner, mkay?- I'll be back."

He got up and I grabbed his arm. He turned round and bit his lip, "Yeah?"

"Can you bring me a Coke?" I asked.

He dropped the smile, "Uh- yeah."

I let go and he walked off out of the room. A couple moments later he came back with a breakfast bed table. He set it over me and then set the food and coke down.

He sat at my side, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Just did." I replied as I popped open the glass Coke bottle.

"Okay...uh- I'm gonna ask you a question." He said.

I nodded, "Go on."

"Alright then- Are you sick or something? Cause you fainted and you seemed shaky in your sleep. You were burning up at some point and you breathed rather heavily. Cloak Boy- You had me worried sick." He said and grabbed my hand.

I blushed, "I'm not sick- I had....some sorta flashback. I'd prefer we didn't really talk about it though. It's a rather sensitive topic and- I just- I don't need to focus on that of all things right now."

He nodded, "That's fine- I just want to hug you right now... and then I have one last question if you don't mind."

"Question first maybe?" I asked.

"Uhm- so uh...You were sleeping in my bed. And I uh, kissed your head then you pulled me into a nice hug. You muttered the word, Tubbo. Tommy, who is Tubbo?" He asked.

My breath hitched and I took a shaky breath preparing myself to answer. 

If I'm gonna answer, I can't have you listening in on me.

Please don't block me o-

Sorry Tubs.

1,058 words
Thanks for reading.
Happy 4th of July for those Americans :]
(I am American btw)
And uhm- sorry I was late
Later Gaymers and Gamers <3

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