||Chapter 21||

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Ranboo POV

Cloak Boy's breath hitched, then he took a shaky breath like this was gonna be something hard to talk about.

I put my hand over his, "If it's too much- then don't worry. I was simply curious, because it sounded like a guy....and I want to be your only guy...y'know? Anyways, maybe I crossed a line- I'm sorry."

Cloak Boy blushed lightly and smiled, "You are my only guy. And....It isn't easy to talk about, but Im gonna try- Tubbo is my little brother...he passed a few years ago."

I blushed from the beginning part...then I felt bad for him, "I'm sorry I brought it up."

"No it's fine.....It's good to remember." He cleared his throat, "There's not much I can really tell you though. Other than- bad people killed him a- and I blame myself."

I scooted closer and asked, "Maybe you can tell me once your finished eating?"

He nodded, "Oh...yeah okay." I got up and he grabbed my hand, "You can stay...."

I chuckled, "Yeah, okay."

I sat back down just watching him eat.

"You're just....staring." He giggled.

I shrugged, "I can't help it."

He rolled his eyes and kept eating. The way he bit his food and then softly chewed. How his soft little lips look when coming off his spoon. My breath hitched and I got up, "I- I uh- have to use the restroom..."

I hurried out and to the restroom, Fuck- I was imagining those soft lips on my.......lips.

I let out a whine and then tried calming down. There was no way I was gonna jerk off to the image of him eating...That's just so wierd.

Tommy POV

Ranboo's breath hitched and he shot up, "I- I uh- have to use the restroom..."

I tilted my head slightly then he ran out and I heard a door slam shut. I wasn't sure what was the matter with him- but perhaps he just need to go really badly.

|Time Skip|

I had finished eating now. I got up out of bed and picked up my dishes. I left my Coke though, because I hadn't yet finished.

I went into the kitchen and washed my dishes, cause I felt bad leaving them for Ranboo to do.

Speaking of Ranboo, he hadn't come out of the bathroom in a while- Which was wierd. It had been a really long time now.

As I finished up with the dishes I went back to the room and picked up the breakfast table, taking it back to the kitchen where I put it away.

Then I went back to his bedroom and waited patiently for him to come back.

Ranboo POV

I hadn't done anything.....I had just tried clearing my mind and then I thought of really uncomfortable things so that it would go away. Now that I was finally back to normal I left the restroom.

I went back to my room where I saw Cloak Boy sat on my bed waiting. I went over and sat beside him, "Thanks for cleaning up."

He nodded a 'your welcome' and then asked, "Are you feeling okay?"

I blushed embarrassed, "Y- Yeah I'm fine, just uhm- I guess I got a little nauseous."

"Oh, but you didn't throw up, did you?" He asked seeming a little worried.

I shook my head, "No, no....I'm fine."

He smiled, "Good."

"Yeah, so uhm...If you wanna talk about anything that's cool, but I prefer you didn't make yourself uncomfortable by talking about it either." I smiled back at him.

He shrugged, "I'm alright."

I nod, "Kay."

"Tubbo was 15 when he died. I was 16. Uhm- there were these people who wanted to kill us because we had done something bad. But it was seriously so minor! But...Uh- they got to Tubbo. And.....I wish I could explain it all better, but-" He sighed, "I just can't."

I grabbed his hand, "That's fine."

He cleared his throat, "So...Any stories on your brother than? Y'know, the one who ran away with some guy."

"Oh yeah!- Well I can't tell you a lot either. Mostly cause I don't remember much. But uh- my older brother was a mercenary. Sort of a contracted killer, y'know?" I started.

He nodded, "A mercenary, huh?"

"Yeah, when I was around like- 13 he picked up and left with some silly boyfriend of his. I guess he was also a mercenary and so they took off to go pick up out of town jobs. Incase you didn't know, I don't come from this town." I chuckled.

He blinked a few times then looked to me, "Right. Yeah, I knew you didn't- You seem lost most of the time. And I've never seen ya before. So uhm....What was your brother's name?"

"Clay....but we always used to refer to him by something else. I can't remember anymore though. Something like- Dean?- I dunno honestly. Maybe it was his middle name." I shrugged forgetting.

"Dream." He mumbled under his breath.

"Yeah! That's right we called him Dream." I smiled remembering, "I always looked up to him. He was so fearless and strong, he wore this mask with a creepy smile. I thought he was cool- so I wanted to become a contracted killer too. That's why I am who I am." I sighed, "It's too bad Dream was never around much. I never really knew him all that well. I actually...." I frowned, "I had zero connection to him- I only ever looked up to him as an older brother."

Claok Boy stood eyes a little red. He pushed me and hit my chest hard a couple times, "Fuck you and your stupid brother!"

He ran out of my room and I assume to the restroom. I sat back up and sniffled, "What'd I do to deserve that?"

I wiped my face, "All I did was talk about my brother....Then he lashed out on me and said frick you? And he calls my brother stupid...What the heck is wrong with him?"

What a-...meanie.

1,022 words
Thanks for reading.
See ya next time! <3

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