||Chapter 29||

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Ranboo POV

After leaving the cellar yesterday, I had gotten my reward of money and riches. I'd put it all onto my boat that would take me home in two days time- or rather one now. Right after the hanging of the theif Simons.

Now this morning I wanted to go find Tommy. I was gonna tell him all about what had happened and then- I was gonna ask him out. And!- I'm gonna ask him to move with me. I'm really hoping he will cause there doesn't seem go be much here for him anyways.

Today is the tenth day I've been here. Honestly, I'd say I did decent.

Right now I was walking to the bakery. I was waiting for my Cloak Boy to show up. But since I was early I figured ordering our food already wouldn't hurt. Plus! He had bought me breakfast yesterday morning.

So I walked up to the counter to see Kelly, "Hello. Did Cloak Boy come by yet?"

She shook her head, "No actually- I'm quite surprised. He's been a regular for so long. But I suppose, he might have slept in. Maybe he had something going on. Anyway, what would you like then?"

I smiled, "A choclate milk, a latte, and two strawberry buns."

"The usual, yes ofcourse." She walked off to get the food then gave it to me.

I payed and she asked, "So, you caught that theif, huh?"

I smiled triumphantly, "Yeah." Then I frowned a little, "I don't really want to watch him die though."

She nodded then raised a brow, "Why not?- He's caused you terrible misfortune, has he not?"

I shrugged, "That's one way to put it. But in a way....he's the reason for a lot."

She smiled, "I don't understand."

"You wanna sit and talk with me?- I know you're not intrested and it wouldn't be as anything more than friends. Plus, I'm waiting for Cloak Boy anyways." I made sure that was clear.

She nodded, "Sure."

She grabbed a drink and pastry then we sat down at a bakery table and began eating. I made sure there was three chairs, for when Tommy got here. I even set his food down in his place.

"So?- What do you mean by 'the reason for for a lot'?" Kelly asked.

I sighed, "If it weren't for Simons being who he is- I'd of never met Cloak Boy. And I- I really really like Cloak Boy. I mean- I'm so ready to say the big words to him."

"L word?!" She gasped excited.

I smiled and blushed lightly, "Yep! I really do L word him, and I can't wait to tell him. And if it weren't for Simons I'd of never met the L word of my life." I chuckled softly, "I also have him to thank for letting me get close to Claok Boy. If Simons hadn't taken that long break, I'd of never fallen for Cloak Boy or gotten to know him the way I have. So ultimately, Simons is a big reason why I even have a L word life."

"That's nice." She smiled then sighed, "But hasn't he.....stabbed you?"

"Oh yeah! Th- That happened. Uhm- he also sorta scratched my back with a bullet. I'm fine now, though." I smiled, "Still, I have a big thing to thank him for. And watching people die isn't really all the great- Sure I've murderered just a few people, but most of the people I go after- I bring to the contractors alive."

She nodded, "You're a good person. So will you be at the town event?- Y'know, the quote on quote unmasking of Simons. Basically, the removal of his hood?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I want to know what he looks like- And I wanna know his name."

"Are they gonna reveal that?" She raised a brow asking.

"Yeah- I'm pretty sure they'll get it out of him. But who knows." I gulped and took a deep breath.

"What's that mean?" She frowned.

"Well to get anyone to talk, they beat them. Torture them till they get answers." I sighed.

"So they'll probably find his flat, all the stolen belongings, and they'll get any information they want out of him." Her eyes widened, "That's tough."

I nodded, "Yeah....but I have a feeling he's just gonna give it all up with ease."

She raised her brows, "Huh. That'd be intresting."

I nodded, "He is intresting."

She sighed, "Well, I hope you find your Cloak Boy. By the way- do you know his name?"

I smiled to myslef and nodded, "Yeah. I've known for a little bit....why?"

"Curious." She answered simply.

I smirked, "Can't tell ya- it's between me and T- Cloak Boy."

She laughed, "Well okay then."

She walked off back to behind the counter and I sat there just waiting. To be honest I had nothing else to do. Kelly checked in on me every once in a while, but I was fine. Just waiting for my Tommy to pop up.

|Time Skip|

Kelly walked over, "Hey I'm closing up for now. I'm gonna go to the town event. Y'know the-"

"Yeah. I know. I'm going too. You think he'll be there?" I asked hopeful.

She raised a brow.

"Cloak Boy. Do you think he'll be there?" I asked again, now clarifying.

She shrugged, "Can't say for sure, but there's a big chance."

I nodded, "Alright well- could you put this food away for when we come back?"

She shrugged, "Take it. Maybe he'll be there and be hungry."

I nodded.

Now we walked out and she closed up the shop. Then we began walking to the town hall.

As we arrived we walked in to see it was pretty full. Basically everyone was here. I looked around for Cloak boy, but just couldn't spot his light brown cloak. Or his golden curls anywhere in the crowd.

I sighed and took a seat with Kelly to watch. As they brought Simons forward everyone cheered. The guard kicked the back of his legs and Simons fell to the floor face first.

Simons couldn't just normally get up because he was cuffed. So he flipped onto his back then sat up on his knees. It made me mad to see them do that to him.

"Attention!" The guy called. It was the usual man who ran the town meetings, since the royal family never left the palace.

"We will unmask this theif after we've given him a little payback! How does that sound!?" The man yelled excited.

Everyone cheered and the two guards began beating him up. I breathed heavily and as one hit his face I jolted up out of my seat angry. Kelly pulled me back down before anyone noticed.

I gulped, "Fucking assholes."

After several minutes of this they finally stopped. Simons sat up and spit blood onto the floor. His black and white cloak was all messed up and dirty.

"Are you ready to see this filthy street rats face!?" The guy yelled.

Everyone yelled and screamed cheering. With that a guard grabbed his hood and took it down.


My heart beat fast out of my chest. My breathing hitched and it was hard to breath all of a sudden. His sad baby blue eyes met mine and he frowned with tears in his eyes. I teared up and shook my head. It was so unbelievable.

Simons is Cloak Boy. He's- My Tommy.

1,244 words
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See you tomorrow <3

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