||Vol.2|Chapter 8||

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Tommy POV

I wiped my face, "There. I did it Dean, now will you propose?"

"Yes love. Now give me the check to go buy your ring." He said.

I went to my nightstand and wrote him a large check. He took it and kissed my cheek, "Good boy. Now sit here and wait."

I sat down on the bed and waited. Then he left to go buy me a ring.

I wasn't sure what was going on in my life. Everything is so confusing right now. But I know for sure that Ranboo is the biggest fucking prick ever.

When Dean told me what Ranboo said I broke down. My world it.....shattered. I was hung up on him for four years almost. To think I waisted my heart on him, just for him to say that about me. It hurts more than anything.

Where as....when I heard Dean say all that about me...It was so heart warming. I mean- you'd have to know me pretty well to have gathered all that, y'know? Every word and compliment Dean gave was...so full of love. If those are his words, I can't help but believe him. I can't help but love someone who truly loves me like that.

It's wierd. Almost like everything has shifted. All of a sudden....Ranboo was revealed to be what I thought of Dean. And Dean is actually what I had thought of Ranboo. I guess if any of what Ranboo said is true its that- I really am stupid. I can't believe I mixed up there personalities like that. But I'm not gonna be stupid any longer. I know the truth now.

I won't fuck up my life again. I'm gonna marry Dean and toss away whatever that shifty feeling was that I felt for Ranboo.

I'll truly and finally move on.

|Time Skip|

Ranboo POV

I wasn't gonna let what Tommy was brainwashed into saying push me away. Infact at the moment it was only motivating me more to win him back and take down that son of a bitch Dean- excuse my language.

It was night time now. I assume Dean is out about with that prostitute right now, so I figured I would go see Tommy. I needed to explain everything to him and tell him the truth. I needed him to listen to me- just hear me out.

So I put my cloak hood up and then walked out of my apartment building. I went to the bakery which was already closed. I knocked loudly for him to hear. I saw that there was a light on up in the bedroom, so I assumed Tommy was awake- or at least home.

I waited a few minutes but no one came. So I knocked again louder. Still no one came down, so finally I knocked and called, "Tommy! Anyone home!?"

I was getting worried at this point- What if Dean was home and doing things to Tommy. I had to get in there.

So I went around to the side and climbed up the walls. It was a brick building, so it was easy to grip. Plus I've done this before and am pretty skilled in it.

As I reached the window, I looked inside. But I couldn't see anything because of the shear curtains. I propped the window open and popped my head through looking into the bedroom.

I didn't see Tommy. I crawled into the bedroom and fell to the floor. I got up and glanced around, "Tommy?"

I checked the restroom, no one. Then I went to the closet and opened it. There was Tommy, "Tommy! Look- It's not as wierd as it seems-"

He shoved me and I stumbled back. He sweeped both my legs and I fell to the ground. He kicked me over to lay on my stomach then pinned me down and pulled my arm back ready to snap.

"What the fuck are you thinking coming in through my window!?- And how could you possibly have the nerve to even knock on my door?!- Have you no shame?!" He yelled asking.

I groaned, "Well for one- I was worried you were unsafe so I came through the window. And two- I have the 'nerve' to knock on your door because I meant what I said earlier, I'm back for you."

"Back for me?! What makes you think I want you coming back for me!?- Especially after what you told Dean about me?! The absolute balls on you! I told you- leave me alone!" He sniffled and tightened his grip.

I winced, "Tommy! Please don't break my arm! Just hear me out!"

He hesitated for a moment, "Why should I?- All you've done is lie to me. Then you show up after three years of being dead! And you expect me just to fall for you all over again?!- No! I'm happy now....a- and I'm engaged to be married- to Dean."

With my leg I sweeped his and he fell on his bottom, "Like I'd let that happen."

I popped up and then offered him my hand. He scoffed, "What the hell?"

He grabbed my hand and twisted my arm. He almost kicked my crotch, but I grabbed his foot.

"Let go!" He yelled.

"You let go!- I was tryna help you up!" I scoffed.

"And I'm tryna break your fucking arm!" He yelled back angry.

I let go and he shoved me back onto the bed. I raised my brows, "Little fast, eh?"

"Fucking prick!" He yelled and then successfully kicked my crotch this time.

I groaned and covered myself, "Jeezus- forgot how strong you actually are..."

He rolled his eyes, "Ya well you also forgot that I fucking hate you- now get out before I make it worse!"

"One moment-" I groaned, "Let me catch my breath for a few minutes....ya kicked me where the sun don't shine."

He crossed his arms, "Fine. Two minutes- then you leave."

I nodded and sat up, "You look cute."

He blushed and looked down at his bare legs. He had boxers and a big shirt on, so big that it fell off his right shoulder. He pulled it up, "Perve."

"Me?- What about Dean!? Tommy you know what he's doing to you is wrong!" I said upset even just thinking about it.

"He's my fiance.....so it's fine." He said.

I shook my head, "You don't get it Tommy."

"No!- You don't get it! You don't understand anything about me Ranboo!- The only one who knows the real me is Dean." He sniffled.

I stood, "He doesn't want you Tommy- not for what you're really worth. He just wants the money and your hot body."

"No! That's what you want from me! You drool all over me and I bet you want your fortune back too, huh?!" He said taking a step back from me with just a light blush.

Nonsense. Just nonsense.

1,161 words
Thanks for reading.
Early update today :]
Maybe another one here at four idk.
Welp, see ya then!
OH AND IF YOU HAVENT, GO CHECK OUT HOTSHOT RN! Please cause its another one of my books, and I'd appreciate it...cause it's ending :(

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