||Chapter 30||

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Ranboo POV

"Oh shit. Isn't that Claok Boy?" Kelly scoffed, "What a liar....a fraud."

She was right. He was the biggest fucking liar and fraud ever. But still I- I had no hate for him. I just wanted to hug him and run away with him.

"Fuck off." I muttered to Kelly.

Her eyes widened, "Jeez- I still like him. He's my friend, but....it's just a lot."

I mumbled, "Oh...sorry."

She shrugged, "Its fine......Are you okay?"

I shook my head. I watched as everyone threw trash at him. Mainly tomatoes and garbage. Tommy looked away from me and hung his head in shame.

It all made sense. Suddenly....everything connected. I knew it all now.

He switched cloaks, that one time I caught him after the jewelry robbery. He only stabbed my leg in the alley because he knew I liked him. He lost when I was wounded because he didn't really want to kill me. He was gone three days, because he spent all that time with me. He carried disinfectant and wrap because he was put in harms way every day. He was hesitant to go on dates, because he didn't wanna catch feelings. He never let me walk him home, because he lives in the woods and couldn't let me find out. My brother killed his brother because they were thieves and it wasn't a mistake. They had the right people, just wrong information on age. He kept a distance, because he knew it wouldn't end well with us.

He said 'I love you' because he really does. And his biggest regret was not kissing me, because....

He's My Simons. My Claok Boy- My Tommy.

Tommy began crying as he got thrown stuff at him and the guards continued hurting him. I jolted up out of my seat and walked down. Tommy looked up at me and everyone stopped.

The two guards stopped. One asked, "There a problem Ranboo?"

"Yeah. Stop this already. Otherwise he'll be too beat for when he's hung. Now, let me escort him back to the palace cell." I said.

The other stepped forward, "No can do."

"You will let me escort him back to the palace or I'll knock you two out." I clenched my fists.

They looked to each other than took steps back and gave a nod. I went over and picked Tommy up off the floor just by his arm. I led him out and to the back room. I closed the door and locked it.

"You little shit! You liar! You kept this huge secret from me and never told me! I'm so fucking mad at you! You're a fraud!" I kissed his head and hugged him tightly.

He sniffled and I uncuffed him using the key that was in the room. He gently hugged me back, "I'm sorry."

I squeezed him tighter, "Its okay. I just- I'm so mad."

"I love you Ranboo." He said and cupped my face.

I know I feel the same- At least I was sure of it before, but now- it's hard to say.

"I know now." I gulped.

He sniffled, "You don't-"

"I did...,but now I- I dunno. I have no idea anymore." I sighed confused.

He nodded, "Its fine. Now cuff me back up and take me back to the palace."

I kissed his cheek, "I'm sorry....That I didn't find it all out."

"I'm glad you didn't. It uh- Would've been worse." He wiped his face.

I took the strawberry bun out of my bag and gave it to him. Then I took out water and a cloth out of my bag. I cleaned him up and even tended to his wounds. After he was done eating I cuffed him back up.

Now we were walking back to the palace.

"So uhm....Were you waiting for me?" He asked with a frown.

I nodded, "Yeah."

He nodded and went quiet.

We got there and entered. I took him back to the cellar and then to his cell.

"Can you do me a favor?" He asked.

I looked away from him and shrugged, "I dunno- maybe?"

"All my stuff. My weapons and satchel, they're in the bush by my uh- art piece. And uhm- my house. Uh- it's located in the woods. Uhm....deep in the forest closer to the riverbed that leads to the ocean. You can't miss it. Uhm- c- could you make sure they don't burn down everything. Maybe get a couple things out? I- If you want. Uhm- you can keep everything." He said nervous but hopeful.

I nodded, "Okay. I'll do just that."

He sighed into a smile and cried, "I love you Ranboo! I'm so sorry I lied! Im sorry I'm the horrible Simons and not the sweet Cloak Boy that you want!"

I hugged him tightly, "Shhhh, it's okay. I forgive you. Don't worry about me."

I pulled away and wiped his face. He sniffled and gulped down his sobs, "Later Ranboo?"

I shook my head, "Tommy I think-"

He shook his head, "No goodbyes till it's really goodbye."

I sighed, "But this is-"

"For me, just don't." He frowned.

I nodded, "Later Tommy."

I locked his cell door and kissed his hand. Then I hung up the key and left the cellar once again. I left out of the castle and went over to his 'art piece'.

I went into the bushes and sure enough, there was his satchel and weapons. I grabbed them all then headed home.

|Time Skip|

After leaving his stuff at home I left to the bakery. I asked Kelly for a recipe on her strawberry buns and I even paid her for it. She gave me it and I thanked her.

Now I was off to Tommy's house which was deep in the forest.

|Time Skip|

I found it. High up in the trees was a modern looking tree house. I had no idea how I was supposed to get up there. So I attempted climbing it twice, but fell both times. I attempted it once more, and finally made it on my third try.

I walked in and saw a bunch of things. I searched the house and filled a little wooden trunk with a bunch of things that looked valuable or sentimental. Plus all the money that was in there. Then I left and took it all back to my place once again.

I had to admit.....it felt odd. Almost like robbing, but Tommy had asked me to do this, so I did.

|Time Skip|

I was home now and it was late. Tomorrow I would leave this place for good after Tommy was hung. I sighed and went through Tommy's things. I found funny pictures of him with what I assume was family. I even ended up finding a picture of his little brother Tubbo.

It was quite cool, it was like getting to learn all about him. Now I went through his satchel. I looked at it closely, it was a really nice bag actually. It looked hand stitched and on the corner it said, "Tubbo"

Which was strange, but cool. I went through his bag now and found the light brown cloak. I sighed into a smile, "He really is all three of them...damn."

As I went through the stuff and everything there, I came up with an idea. Difficult one, but- Definetly a good one.

I was gonna take all this stuff with me back to my home town. So I hired some people to move it to my ship, and they did.

Now at that was left was- To take action. I put on Tommy's light brown cloak and took his weapons and satchel. I left all my belongings on the boat. Then I went on my way to the palace.

Sorry I was so late! :<
Anyways, hope you liked the chapter.
See you tomorrow!

Cloak Boy ||Tomboo||Where stories live. Discover now