||Vol.2|Chapter 12||

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Tommy POV

I woke up and was firmly held by Ranboo in bed. I yawned and pulled out of his arms after a few attempts.

Then I went to the closet and opened it. I saw all Dean's clothes and huffed. I started ripping the clothes off their hangers and throwing them to the floor.

I guess I was making quite the ruckus, because Ranboo woke up. He groaned, "Tommy, what're you doing?"

"Getting rid of everything that was his! Everything!" I yelled as I continued.

He got up and picked up the clothes. He went and got a bag then stuffed the clothes in them, "Don't you think we should return him his clo-"

"Absolutely not! He can but new ones! Plus- are they really his?! He probably used my dam money like every other time!" I yelled then finally all that was left was my clothes.

Ranboo put them all in the bag then I went to the other nightstand. I opened it and threw everything to the floor. It was just a bunch of mail, and stupid shit that I didn't need cluttering my house.

Ranboo again picked it all up and set it aside in the bag. I huffed, "What else?!"

Ranboo shrugged, "Uhm....maybe you should calm down and shower, baby."

I ran to the bathroom, "His stupid loofah! And dumb special soap he swears he needed!"

I threw them all out and then went to the sink. I opened the cabinet and took out his toothbrush and shaver, "Won't be needing this shit either!"

Ranboo followed and picked up everything I threw onto the floor. I left the restroom then went downstairs. I went to the pantry and jumped up, "I hate alcohol! And I hate the stupid mini olives and onions! This shit is nasty! But he just had to have them! Well guess what world!? Not anymore!"

I jumped up trying to reach. Ranboo cleared his throat, "Uhm....need help?"

"No! I can get it myself!" I huffed and kept jumping.

Ranboo chuckled, "Tommy it's cute how your shirt flys up and I get to see more skin with every jump, but you're never gonna get it. So..."

I stopped jumping, "Babe quit it! Now come get this down now!"

He blushed then set the bag down and I kicked it angrily. Most of it spilled out and then he sighed as he took down the alcohol bottles, olives, and mini onions. I took them and he yelled, "Wait! That'll make a mess! Don't throw those, maybe?!"

I aggressively placed them on the floor, "I hate him!"

Ranboo picked up everything from the floor and put it in the bag. I went out to the front of the bakery and unlocked the door. I walked outside and went to the painted window. I started scratching away at the paint, "Oh sure- 'And Dean'?- As fuckin if! This shit is coming off!"

Ranboo came outside and sighed, "Tommy, I can remove that for you properly later, okay?- How about you shower and get ready for the day?"

"Nope! This shit is coming off!" I yelled angry scratching the paint with my fucked up nails.

"Nice ass!" A man whistled.

I blushed and turned around to see some middle aged man staring at my ass. Ranboo scooped me up and took me back inside, "Jeez baby. You should at least put on pants before storming out."

I blushed brightly and hugged him tightly, "I just want everything that reminds me of him gone. All his belongings- just everything. Ranboo, can you take me on a date? As like- more than friends? I want to see what we have, y'know?"

He blushed brightly and smiled, "Ofcourse. Infact, how about we have a day to ourselves, hm?"

I nodded, "Yes! I'd love that! No distractions or stupid Dean! But before then-"

I wiggled in his arms and he set me down. I walked over to the bag of Dean's things and ran upstairs. He followed and I went to the window, "Hey Dean! You asshole! Here's all your shit!"

Ranboo's eyes widened, "Maybe don't-"

I threw the bag out the window and when it hit the ground. The alchol bottles, olive and onion juice went everywhere and shattered their glass containers. That got all the other clothes wet and I could even see soap spill out on the floor too.

I smiled and Ranboo laughed nervously, "G- Good job baby."

"Thanks! Now let's shower!" I smiled and ran to the closet, "Hey! Y'know what Ranboo!? You should totally move in! Yes! Oh yes! Please Ranboo!"

He smiled, "We'll talk about the ide-"

"That's a yes! You're moving in! So maybe before our date we'll get you settled in and everything then we can go out right after!" I interrupted him.

He smiled, "Alright Tommy, cool."

"Good. Now let's shower." I said and grabbed fresh clothes for me. Then found a large shirt and some bigger jeans for Ranboo.

"Uhm- Separately, correct? Like one at a time- You first?" He gulped nervous.

I smiled, "Obviously separately silly."

He blushed, "Good, good."

"Mhmm." I hummed then went to the bathroom, "Be out in a bit! Oh! And uhm- Ranboo?"

"Yes Tommy?" He replied.

I took a deep breath, "Thankyou. For everything. I mean- not only getting rid of Dean, but uh- coming back for me. And helping me with coping just now. Thanks for also uh- Moving in with me. And taking me on a date- and just being here for me when I go totally physco and crazy." I awkwardly laughed, "Really, I- I uh- appreciate you more than anyone. So yeah! Thankyou and uhm...I love you Ranboo."

"I love you too Tommy. And trust me....It's no problem." He smiled and winked.

I blushed and then went into the bathroom and closed the door, He's great, huh?

Maybe I should ask him out?- Oh jeez, what would he say? He does love me...

Hmmm....I'm not sure I want a relationship right now. Or sorta...ever, actually. I feel like relationships, titles, and strings just- tear the couple apart. Maybe friends who love each other is better for me and Ranboo?

It sounds completely ridiculous I know, but I'm scared to mess up anything with Ranboo. I'm scared to turn into something toxic and unhealthy. I'd hate to ever be hurt by him and I'm afraid of ever hurting him. 

But I know once he moves in we'll grow incredibly close. We'll probably eventually start dating anyways, right!?

So maybe I should wait a little? Or should I just jump right in?

I know he'll say yes to me.

Or...am I getting too ahead of myself?

No, no, no...I'm just being positive!

Cause for once everything is finally on track! Everything is going great, and I'm truly happy. If I could have one thing though- I know it'd be Ranboo no matter if it's a relationship or not. 

Then....Then life would be perfect.

For once.

1,173 words
Thanks for reading :]
I'll see you tomorrow!!!
Later Gamers and Gaymers <3

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