||Chapter 8||

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Ranboo POV

Sixth day?- I've lost count. This Simons has seriously got me all messed up. I was really hoping he would hold up on his deal and not do any crimes today.

But I obviously don't know him all that well, so it's rather hard to say wether or not he will or won't.

I got out of bed and went to shower. With all this chasing and fighting, I needed to relax. Now usually this would've been over the first day. But as you can tell....this Simons guy is very different.

Tommy POV

I'd showered yesterday after running away. It was about time anyway. Sadly after yesterday I had made a deal with Ranboo to not commit any crimes today.

Now, I may be a theif, criminal, murder- whatever you want to call me- but I'm not one to break promises. So I wouldn't do anything bad today. Which would be really tough, cause....I'm always committing crimes. It's just in my nature.

Oh well though-

Maybe this could be good for you.


Now I was walking into town with my light brown cloak on to grab myself a bite. I went to the bakery obviously and hoped they'd have strawberry buns.

I walked in and looked around. What for?- I'm actually not quite sure myself. I shook it off and walked up to the lady, "Strawberry bun and a latte?"

She nodded, "Mhmm."

She gave me such and I just felt curious and asked, "Did that hit man come by?"

She shook her head, "Not yet. Though he comes every morning...I'm sure he'll be here soon."

Oh?!- You wanted to see him?

No, I was simply curious.

As am I, so?- You like him or what?

Leave me alone damit.

"How many strawberry buns are left now?" I asked.

She checked then smiled, "One."

"C- Can I get it please?- And....a choclate milk?" I asked turning light pink, though she couldn't see my face because of my hood.

She nodded and went to get such.

You buying his breakfast?


So then what's the extra food for?

Later....when I get hungry.

She came back, "Will that be all?"

I nodded, "Yeah...thankyou."

"Ofcourse." She smiled and waved.

I placed the bagged bun in my satchel along with the choclate milk. I exited the bakery and sat on the bench the hit man usually sat at for breakfast.

I ate my own strawberry bun and drank my latte as I kicked my feet slowly back and forth waiting.

For what exactly?- I dunno.


Shut it.

Ranboo POV

I was finally ready, walking out of my room and out the building. Luckily the bakery wasn't that far away.

I walked down the road to the bakery. As I turned in, my arm was grabbed.

I turned to see Cloak Boy. I smiled, "Hi there, what's up?"

"I- I got your breakfast. Uhm- There was one strawberry bun left and so I figured you'd maybe...like it?" He said shyly and let go of my arm.

He's adorable. He bought my breakfast and waited here for me. Oh he's so cute.

"I would, thanks." I said and followed him as he walked down the bench.

We sat down and he handed me a choclate milk and a strawberry bun, "Here."

My heart got warm, "Thanks...you're really sweet."

I took it and he drank his latte, "Thanks..."

"Mhmm, did you get a bun?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah....I already ate it though."

I nodded, "So...How are you?"

"Good." He said and quickly looked down at his hands. Though I couldn't see his face, I could tell where he was facing. He cleared his throat, "How are...you?"

I sighed, "Not all that good."

"Why's that?" He asked.

"Well, I got this big stab look-" I pointed to my thigh where there was a bloody wrap because of my wound.

"Uh- Have you changed the wrap?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No. I guess I fogot- but also cause I don't have the wrap anymore."

"How long has it been?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Like....pretty much two days." I answered with a shrug of my shoulders, "I don't see what's so wrong or bad about it."

Tommy POV

Two days!?

Is he crazy!?- Is he an idiot?!

I scoffed and took out the disinfectant and wrap, "Are you dumb?! If you leave the bloody wrap on it gets dirty! You'll infect your wound!"

I kneeled beside him and gently took the wrap off. He winced, "Ah- You sure you know how to do this?"

"Yeah- now stay still." I said and then disinfected the wound again.

He winced again, "Stings..."

I went through my back and grabbed a cloth. Then I used my cantine and poured out some water onto it. Now I gently cleaned the dry blood of his thigh where the injury was. Then I rewrapped his thigh tightly, "There, better." I stood up, "You outta take better care of yourself."

He blushed, "I will....uhm- thankyou Cloak Boy."

I nodded, "Mhmm."

I threw away the old wrap and bloody cloth. I sat back down and he said, "Y'know, not a lot of people carry disinfectant and wrap...it's odd. Why do you carry it?"

"Its not that odd, really." I awkwardly laughed trying to play it off.

He's onto you!

No he's not....He's probably just curious.

"Oh but it is...It's just not an every day essential you'd carry in a bag all day. It's not like a wallet, where you take it everywhere you go. So....why?" He asked kinda pushing for an answer.

"Well y'know, you can never be too cautious." I shrugged.

He nodded, "Mhmm. It's just that, to carry that with you every day....is sorta unessacary for the most part. Unless, well- unless you were sorta like me. Where every day you're constantly in harms way. Where as carrying such materials wouldn't be found as strange..."


He is onto me....

What did I say?!

Piss off, this is serious.

If he finds out....I- I could really l- lose...

"Cloak Boy?" He asked and reached behind his back very slowly.

1,039 words
Uh oh!
See ya next time, thanks for reading! :]

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