||Chapter 22||

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Tommy POV

"Oh yeah!- Well I can't tell you a lot either. Mostly cause I don't remember much. But uh- my older brother was a mercenary. Sort of a contracted killer, y'know?" Ranboo began to speak of his brother.

A stupid mercenary....sounds shit.

I just nodded, "A mercenary, huh?"

"Yeah, when I was around like- 13 he picked up and left with some silly boyfriend of his. I guess he was also a mercenary and so they took off to go pick up out of town jobs. Incase you didn't know, I don't come from this town." He chuckled.

His brother was a mercenary.....with a boyfriend. Thats...Too similar.

I mean...what if- No. There's no way.

Well it's a possibility....I mean- It could happen!?...No, no, no. Just shut up.

I blinked a few times trying to clear my head then I looked back to Ranboo, "Right. Yeah, I knew you didn't- You seem lost most of the time. And I've never seen ya before. So uhm....What was your brother's name?"

I needed to know. Wether his brother was the dumb brunette or the stupid blonde and hopefully neither.

"Clay...." He answered.

Oh thank god- That could've been rough.

Then he continued, "but we always used to refer to him by something else. I can't remember anymore though. Something like- Dean?- I dunno honestly. Maybe it was his middle name." Ranboo just shrugged.

"Dream." I mumbled under my breath and clenched my fist opposite of Ranboo.

The fucking blonde!?

"Yeah! That's right we called him Dream." He smiled remembering, "I always looked up to him. He was so fearless and strong, he wore this mask with a creepy smile. I thought he was cool- so I wanted to become a contracted killer too. That's why I am who I am." Ranboo sadly sighed, "Its too bad Dream was never around much. I never really knew him all that well. I actually...." He frowned now, "I had zero connection to him- I only ever looked up to him as an older brother."

Great. Just fucking great. His brother had to be him....The person I hate most in this fucking world besides myself.

I stood up holding back my emotions. Out of rage I pushed Ranboo back and hit his chest a couple times, "Fuck you and your stupid brother!"

I ran out of the room, before tears could pour over. I went into the restroom and locked the door. I slid down the door and curled up in a ball. I hugged my knees to my chest sobbing.


He took my little brother away from me.

And now.....He's related to my guy. Ranboo's supposed to be mine. My perfect person...But he's related to my brother's murderer. Fuck....

The world must hate me or something. Everything good goes to shit for me. And just now, I fucked up by hurting Ranboo.

I don't want him to hate me...

And it's not even him I'm mad at- Its not like it's his fault that Dream killed my brother. He barely knew the blonde anyway. I need to fix it before anything turns more shit.

Cause then I'll really burst out into sobs. A sW

I wiped my face the hurried out. I went back to Ranboo's room and saw him looking down at the ground like he was confused and troubled.

I walked over and he looked up at me, "Wh- What'd I even do?..."

I hugged him tightly. He gently pushed me off though, "No......Wh- What'd I do?"

I gulped nervous, "I- Its complicated Ranboo....But I'm sorry I lashed out like that. It was wrong and-"

"You said....frick you. Th- That's like...Really hurtful Cloak Boy. I'm not a big fan off cursing and vulgar language. So- uh, that one kinda hurt." He frowned, "And you called my brother stupid....why?"

I hugged him again. This time he let it happen, but didn't hug back. I got on his lap and hugged his neck burying my head in his hair with my legs on either side of his thighs, "I'm so sorry. I'll tell you- I just wanna hug you right now."

His head was in my chest. He hugged my waist pulling me close, "I really like you Cloak Boy."

I blushed and hugged him tighter, "Tommy."

My heart beat fast as I said it. He moved me off to see me face. I flushed red as I looked away. He smiled and kissed my cheek, "Tommy."

I nodded, "That's my name. My real name."

He hugged me tightly, "I like you Tommy."

I hugged him back. This time my head in his chest as he rest his chin on my head. We stayed this way for a while till Ranboo needed answers.

Ranboo POV

I moved him back from the hug, "So?"

He took a deep breath, "Y- Your brother...I knew you called him Dream because he-" I took a shaky breath, "He killed my brother."

My eyes widened, "Wh- What?"

He nodded, "Yeah."

"B- But how do you know for sure?- Anyone could be called 'Dream'." I gulped- This couldn't be real.

"He wore green with that smiley face mask. And his partner was his boyfriend, George. They killed Tubbo....and tried killing me too." He sniffled and wiped his face.

It just doesn't make sense.

Why would my brother kill random common folk like Cloak Boy- er- Tommy and Tubbo.

"What'd you do?- To make him come after you. I mean- He's a mercenary. He doesn't just kill to kill." I said kind of confused.

He gulped, "Actually- They got us confused with other people they were hired to kill. I told them I was only 16, but it was too late."

I nodded, "Oh....So it was a misunderstanding."

He nodded, "Somewhat, yeah."

"I'm sorry he did that." I said apologetic.

He shook his head, "I blame myself anyways- And it has nothing to do with you. So know that I hold nothing against you and the outburst was just me being a complete idiot."

"I understand Tommy." I smiled.

He blushed, "I like when you say it."

"Tommy~" I cooed and kissed his nose.

Such a fitting name for this boy.

He blushed brightly then teasingly cooed back to me, "Ranboo~"

I blushed and cupped his face, "I like you a lot Tommy."

He took a deep breath, "Ranboo I...I can't be anything more to you then a friend. That said....I would like you to know..."

My heart beat fast, Oh my gosh oh my gosh, does he like me?- Oh my gosh!

1,112 words
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See ya tomorrow :]

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