||Chapter 24||

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Tommy POV

Nine days since Ranboo's been signed on duty to kill me and hunt me down. Through all this time I- I've grown quite the liking to this guy. Today I come back as Simons after being gone for two and a half days.

It'll be like I say,...At the least bit- intresting.

I was all ready to go into town. I had my light brown cloak on and planned to change after breakfast. So I packed the black and white one in my satchel.

Once I was ready to go, well- I went.

|Time Skip|

Ranboo POV

Day nine! Haven't seen Simons till our little deal when I basically beat him. He must be butt hurt, so was too scared to come back all this time. Good though, he needs a little fear installed in him.

I was all ready so I left my place and headed to the bakery. As I was on my way I checked my surroundings frequently. One, to make sure Simons wasn't up to anything. And two, to try and spot Cloak Boy, but also make sure I don't knock him down.

I made it to the bakery and walked in. I walked right up and saw the usual bakery girl. I waved as I approached the counter, "Hey there- Have you seen Cloak Boy?"

"Yes. He came by earlier. I think he was waiting for you on the bench for a while even, bur then he just walked off." She answered, "Oh! But don't worry he didn't buy you breakfast or anything."

I awkwardly laughed, "I....still feel bad."

She shrugged, "Oh well- What can I get ya?- er I'll just grab it."

We laughed and she went to get me a strawberry bun and choclate milk. Then she came back and gave me such.

She handed it to me and said, "Free of charge."

I raised a brow, "Why's that?"

"No reason." She smiled awkwardly.

I smiled, "Wh- What's your name?"

She blushed and raised her brow, "Why?"

"You're giving me free breakfast...." I chuckled, "C'mon..."

She crossed her arms, "Uhm- What are you tryna say?"

"Oh c'mon, my boo isn't here and all of a sudden you want to give me free food? You can just say it- You like me. And honestly, I think you're pretty cute too. I guess we could go out sometime if you really wanted to." I smirked and leaned on the counter.

She stared behind me and giggled. I blushed and turned around. My eyes widened as I saw Tommy with his hands on his hips.

He removed his hood, "Hey boo. So you find her cute, huh? Cheating already too?- You straight up asked her out."

|Rewind Tommy POV|

I had gotten there pretty early I guess. I sat on the bench kicking my feet waiting for Ranboo. I had bought him his breakfast.

Hm....maybe I shouldn't have...

I was kinda embarrassed now. I didn't wanna seem pushy or obsessed. So I just got up. I walked back into the bakery and handed the bakery girl the food, "Hey uh, could you give this to Ranboo when he swings by? Don't tell him it's from me though...uhm- please?"

She nodded, "Sure thing. So uh.....Are you guys together or something?"

I blushed lightly underneath my hood, "N- Not exactly...Why?- A- Are you intrested in him!?- Cause I'll have you know, we are romantically involved, okay?"

She smirked, "Oh really?"

"Yeah. I've been to his house like twice. A- And we cuddle a lot! Also, he really likes me. He kisses me a lot and I think he's cool. We're basically together, so just- Leave him alone, okay?" I gulped nervous.

She laughed softly, "I wasn't intrested, I was more curious, because you two are cute together from what I've seen."

I smiled to myslef, but she couldn't see my face, "Th- Thanks....sorry I made an assumption."

"No, no, no, it's fine. I mean- You gotta protect your man, y'know? Make sure no one else is after him, keep him yo yourself- I get it. He's yours, so it makes sense." She smiled, "And by the way- I'm Kelly."

"Thanks Kelly....uh- I'll be off now." I blushed embarrassed then hurried out.

As I was walking I kinda wanted to turn back around, I sorta want to see him. I mean- as Cloak Boy- er Tommy. Not as Simons where I have to be mean.

And I wanted to hug him and talk with him. Spend time with hi-

I shook it off and went into an alley way. I took off all my weapons and set them down against the wall. I took out my black and white cloak, then covered the weapons.

I think this is good. No one will even see them. Good....yeah this is good.

Now I walked back to the bakery. I saw Ranboo in there talking to Kelly. I instantly smiled at the sight of him. I hurried in and was just about to tap his shoulder when-

"Oh c'mon, my boo isn't here and all of a sudden you want to give me free food? You can just say it- You like me. And honestly, I think you're pretty cute too. I guess we could go out sometime if you really wanted to." Ranboo leaned on the counter seeming a little uh- intrested.

I put my hands on my hips, angry.

Why this little shit! I'm gonna kick his dam ass! He is mine and I will literally gatekeep his ass until he's my boyfriend!


Okay then.

Shut up.

Kelly saw me and erupted in giggles. Ranboo turned around with a blush on his face. His eyes widened at the sight of me. Obviously- He'd fucked up.

I removed my hood, "Hey boo. So you find her cute, huh? Cheating already too?- You straight up asked her out."

Ranboo POV

I blushed because he called me boo. I scoffed though, "What?!- No! You're so much cuter- Hot even! So incredibly hot. And I take it back! I don't wanna go out anywhere with her....ever." 

1,024 words
Sorry I was so very late :(
Welp, see you next time <3

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