||Chapter 13||

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Ranboo POV

Cloak Boy reached into his bag to pay. I nudged his leg with mine from across. He faced up at me, "Hm?"

"I've got it, don't worry." I smiled.

He nodded and then sat still doing nothing. The waitress came and I gave her the money.

She smiled, "Thankyou, have a nice day!"

She took our dishes and the cash away. We got up and then headed towards the door. On our way out there was this bowl of candy usually intended for children.

I walked right past and out of the place. Cloak Boy grabbed a lollipop then followed.

We got outside and Claok Boy opened his lollipop. He put it in his mouth and we kept walking.

I stared at him, He's a lot like a kid.

He noticed my staring and took out the lollipop, "Problem?"

I blushed, "No!- S- Sorry I was staring..."

He put the lollipop pop back in his mouth, "So what now?"

"Let me walk you home." I smiled.

He shook his head, "Nah. I'm capable."

"Well I know that- Its just that, I'd like to walk you home." I chuckled.

"How about- I walk you home?" He asked.

"Casue I am definetly the dominant male in this case." I stifled a laugh.

He scoffed, "Oh piss off- I can be 'dominant'."

"Mhmm, I'm sure you can. Its just that- you're more of a....softy I guess." I smiled.

I could practically hear his eye roll, "Oh quit it asshole. What does that have to do with walking someone home?" 

"Well, the dominant partner usually walks the other home?" I aorta tried to explain. 

He shrugged, "So what?- Its not a rule or anything."

I thought about it, "Sorta just....basic knowledge."

"Who cares?- I do what I want." He said then grabbed my arm, "Let me walk you home."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine."

He held my arm as we walked towards my place now, I wonder why he won't let me see his place....Oh well.

|Time Skip|

We got to the place I was staying at. He let go of my arm, "Welp! See ya, g'night."

I cleared my throat, "Would you like to...come in?"

He froze and stood there seeming- conflicted.

Maybe I shouldn't have asked?....

Tommy POV

Wh- What do I do?...Should I go in just for a while? It could be nice, maybe.

Sure. Just don't be dumb.

I dunno.

It doesn't sound like the best idea....

You can decide for yourself.

I sorta want to- go in? Just for a little!


Okay yeah, I'm going.

"Only for a little while, kay?" I said making sure he understood I would not be staying over or anything of the sort.

He nodded and smiled, "Yeah- That's great, c'mon."

Cloak Boy ||Tomboo||Where stories live. Discover now