||Chapter 25||

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Ranboo POV

He crossed his arms, "Oh really?- Cause you seemed pretty excited bout that date."

"Well maybe you and I should go on a date!? Y'know....me and my boo." I bit my lip and grabbed his waist.

He pushed me back, "Forget it. Oh and just so you know- I bought that food. I waited for you all morning, but you didn't show. So I gave it to Kelly, to give you for free. I told her not to tell you though....." He blushed, "Cause it's embarrassing."

I turned around, "Kelly, huh?- That's a really nice name."

She laughed and Tommy smacked my arm, "Ranboo! What about me?!"

I grabbed his waist and pulled him forward. I leaned close to his ear, "Tommy is a hot ass name baby."

He blushed and pushed me back, "Dork."

I laughed then grabbed my food, "Thanks for the food Kelly."

"I bought it!" Tommy argued.

She laughed and walked off to the back. I turned around, "I'll thank you later boo."

He turned red, "Dum dum."

I kissed his forehead, "Beautiful."

He rolled his eyes then walked out. I followed him as he sat on the bench outside. I sat down and scooted very close, "Do I get a hug or what?"

He raised a brow, "For what?"

"Just cause...your my boo." I bit my lip.

He blushed lightly, "Yeah about that- Where the hell did that come from!?" He laughed his adorable laugh, "You really just referred to me as 'my boo'!"

I blushed brightly, "I was just talking....and I said it."

He grabbed my hand, "It was...cute."

I laced our fingers, "How do you like-"

"Don't try and push it." He chuckled then sighed, "I better get going. See you around."

He got up trying to leave. I tugged his arm and spun him around. He blushed, "Hm?"

"No hug still?" I frowned.

He got on my lap and hugged me tightly, "I'll see you when I see you Ranboo."

I moved my hands under his shirt and hugged his bare waist, "Why not stay?- Come over and we can cook together. We didn't get to last time."

He hummed, "Mmm, I wish I could- but I'm rather busy."

I rubbed his bare sides, "Is this okay?"

He nodded and leaned into the touch, "Yeah- I like it actually."

I moved in on his neck then gently kissed it and he giggled, "Ranboo, not in public."

"Oh c'mon, you know you want this." I whispered and put his hood up, covering us from being seen.

I began kissing up and down his neck as he hummed softly, "Mmmm, Ranboo c'mon- That's enough."

I grabbed his hip aggressively and grabbed his chin with my other hand. I lifted his chin up and kissed his neck more forcefully.

He bit his lip, "Mph!- Ranboo~"

I nibbled on his neck gently kissing and licking, then bit down on him.

"Ah! Ranboo~ Mmmm." He hummed and grabbed onto my shoulders.

I scooted him up on me and sucked on his skin. He made a soft noise then whispered, "Ranboo not here- Don't you have a job?"

I ignored him....I wanted him so badly. I pulled away from his neck and he put a hand to my chest, "Ranboo."

I stared him in the eyes, "C'mon baby."

He sighed, "Kay, just a little longer."

I pulled him even closer, "Stay quiet boo."

He gave a nod then I bit down on his lower collar bone and sucked on him. He gasped, "Oh Ranboo~"

I finished up the mark then kissed it and pulled away to see his face. I frowned, "I guess I'll see ya then boo..."

"Yeah....See you around." He bit his lip then kissed my cheek.

He moved off me and waved. I waved and then he pulled his hood down and hurried off. I groaned, Ughhh! That hot boy has me head over heels!

I sighed and then started eating my breakfast Tommy had bought me.

Tommy POV

I hurried off while bright red biting my lip trying not to smile too much.

My gosh! My gosh! That was so hot!

I looked back to check he wasn't watching me. Thankfully he was busy eating and probably thinking about me. I hurried away till I got to the alley.

I went and grabbed my cloak. I picked up all my weapons and put them back on. Then I changed my cloak and put my shades on afterwards. I jumped onto the dumpster beside me and then climbed up onto the roof of the building beside the dumpster.

I hopped rooftop to rooftop thinking about what I should do today. I had a couple things in mind, but I wanted to come back big. Be absolutely devious, y'know.

It would be exciting and ultimately fun. I've always wanted to commit arson, but I'm not that evil. Besides that I was thinking of vandalism. Maybe I could write my name big somewhere....

I know the perfect place.

I went to a shop that was selling graffiti spray cans and rags. I simply walked in and snatched a bunch of things as the shop keeper was busy helping out a customer.

I was in and out super fast. I grabbed a couple cans and clothes then booked it. I hurried out of there and then sprint through town excited.

In case you haven't caught on- I'm gonna graffiti that stupid fucking castle. I mean- Crazy graffiti everywhere over that mother fucker. After all the stupid people they've sent after me- I'm done taking their shit.

How do you know it's them again?

Tubbo, who else has the money to hire contracted killers like Ranboo.

I mean c'mon, it just doesn't make sense that anyone else could be up to it.

It's the stupid stuck up royal family, and I fucking know it. I just know, so trust me Tubs. My come back crime is gonna piss them off so bad!

Oh it'll be fantastic!

Just be careful Tommy?

Mhmm. Yeah, yeah- I'll be careful and what not Tubbo.

Also, what happened?

What ever do you mean Tubs?

You blocked me out for a little while- at the bakery. Why?- Did something happen?

No! No. No. Nothing to be concerned about, just...stuff and uh- life.

Right. Nothing else but life and stuff?

Nothing more.

1,065 words
Hello, so I didn't post yesterday. Very sorry about that- but here's an update for ya today :] Now, I said I would be back by Tuesday for sure, but it's looking complicated at the moment. So hang in there, and I should be back to schedule by Friday hopefully.
Alrighty- see ya! <3

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