||Vol.2|Chapter 9||

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Ranboo POV

I scoffed, "I would never ask for that back- I gave it to you because I loved you. And I don't drool over you.....Okay fine sometimes I drool over you, but that's cause you're incredibly good looking- can you really blame me?"

He blushed lightly, "I suppose not..."

"Exactly. So you see, I want you for you where as Dean just wants to take advantage of you." I tried explaining.

He shook his head, "Dean loves me. He gets me. It's seriously unbelievable how much he understands me."

I couldn't take it anymore, "That's bullshit Tommy! I've loved you for four years now! Tommy, I never thought I'd say this to your face because it gets me so red and flustered and it's honestly embarrassing to even say, but if you wanna know what I think of you it's this- Tommy you are incredibly smart and witty, so very understanding, you're caring, affectionate, amicable, absolutely brave, considerate, cheerful when you're happy, surprisingly very forgiving, you're gentle, truly honest even after the whole Simons situation, you're skilled, outstanding in so many ways, heartfelt, kind, and well- extremely humorous. Oh Tommy, I love everything there is about you..."

He teared up, "B- But thats......That's what Dean said."

I raised a brow, "What?"

That ass hole! He used my own words to get Tommy on his side?! Those are my words and feeling and he repeated them like nothing. I'll kill him.

"You're just trying to manipulation me! You stole Dean's words! He told me that first!" Tommy yelled at me really pissed.

"No! Tommy I told Dean that- He must've went and stole my words then spilled them to you before I could! Tommy I swear that's what I see in you- He stole my words from me!" I argued.

He shook his head, "No....D- Dean said it first. He understands me...No one loves me but him....."

"Bullshit again Tommy. I love you. Tubbo loves you and so does your entire family even if they're gone. Tommy you're extremely loveable, you just don't let anyone love you. But me?!- Tommy you let me love you back then-....let me love you again right now." I pleaded.

He reached for the nightstand as tears began spilling down his cheeks. I raised a brow, "Tommy?"

He took out a pistol and pointed it at me, "Leave. Stop messing with me and leave."

I put my hands up, "Tommy I never want to hurt you.....But if you're gonna point a gun at me- I will restrain you."

"I'm the one with the gun! Get the fuck out! You're messing up my life!" He yelled.

I took a step towards him and he loaded it with the sound of a click, "Tommy! Don't shoot! You'll be arrested if you kill me!"

"Then get the fuck out!" He yelled.

I took a deep breath, "Sorry-"

I ran and ducked towards him. He panicked and pulled the trigger with a shot. 


As I came in contact with Tommy we flew into the wall. I moved my hand behind his head, so he didn't hurt it and we slid down to the floor. He groaned and his eyes slowly closed. I guess my hand wasn't enough- must be knocked out.

I got off him and took the gun out of his hands. Then I set it aside back into the nightstand. I went over and picked up Tommy then set him down on the bed.

He looked so pretty and fragile just laying there with no protection. His eyes closed and lips only slightly parted. To think that 'fiance' of his would take advantage of him in this state....it's horrible. I just wanted to scoop him up and hug him close to shower him with kisses. Let him know I love him.

I gently blew air on his face and he shifted around then opened his eyes, "Dean?"

"Better- Ranboo." I smiled.

He rolled his eyes then sat up, "Why haven't you left?- Didn't I shoot you?"

"You missed and shot the opposite wall." I awkwardly chuckled.

He huffed, "Why are you still trying. I know the truth now so leave me alone."

I cupped his face, "You're being manipulated by him. You don't know anything. Just hear me out, yeah?"

He moved my hand blushing lightly then looked away, "Why didn't you write to me?"

I smiled happy he was gonna talk to me. I sat beside him and answered, "I tried multiple times. But the sailors who made shipments here never wanted to take my letters. And there were rarely any that came from here. I have a good pile of letters for you Tommy....if you'd like them?"

He shook his head, "I'm still mad. Now tell me- Why did it take three years for you to come find me?"

"I needed to heal my wound first of all. Then I needed to make enough money to be able to move. So it took a while, yeah." I explained.

He softened just a bit then asked, "Do you really like Kelly?"

I stifled a laugh, "No. She told me she was inlove with me before I stowed away on that boat. I rejected her....And I swear I've never been even the slightest bit intrested or attracted. I've stayed loyal all 3 years."

He sighed, "How?-" He teared up still not looking at me, "How did you escape death?- I talked to your ghost. I could've sworn I did...So explain that!"

I explained the entire story to him. I walked him threw it and whenever he had a question I'd help him understand and answer. At the end of it he softened quite a bit on me.

He sniffled, "I thought you died...."

"I thought I was a goner too." I awkwardly laughed.

He held back his tears, "It makes sense now actually. Thinking back on it- When I spoke to your ghost or whatever....I fell asleep afterwards. But then I woke up right away. I realize now...I never spoke to your ghost. It was a nightmare about your death being confirmed. I understand that now."

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, "Now you see! I didn't ghost you! Tommy I lo-"

He pulled his hand away and finally looked at me as tears poured down, "That doesn't change the fact you said that mean shit to Dean about me! It doesn't change the fact I know you just want your fortune back and my body to play with!"

"That's not true Tommy! If I wanted that money I'd of taken it by now, don't ya think?! I could easily tell the bank that you're no longer my spouse, I'm alive, and the fortune is mine. But I'd never do that. And Tommy, if I wanted just your body I'd of taken advantage the minute you blacked out earlier, alright?" I told him and wiped his face.

He slapped my hands away, "It doesn't change what you said. You're trying to say you didn't mean it. But you said it."

I scoffed, "I've never and will never say anything of the sort about the boy I love!"

He didn't seem convinced as he looked away with a pout.

1,214 words
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See you tomorrow people!

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