||Chapter 7||

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Ranboo POV

I had my knife ready and Simons just stood there like he was waiting for me to make the first move. I was hesitant...I know what he's capable of....., so I need to be cautious and careful.

"What're you waiting for?" Simons asked as he stepped closer.

I gripped the knife tighter, "Stay there Simons."

I could practically hear his smirk as he spoke, "You scared Ranboo?"

"No....I just want you to stay back. Y'know, to make sure you don't get hurt." I smirked.

He scoffed, "Me?- Nonsense..."

He ran at me and I jumped over him. He slid then popped back up, "I didnt even come at you armed...Why didn't you just try attacking me?"

"Even unarmed....You're dangerous." I said seriously.

He giggled, "Awe!- Ranboo, you flatter me."

I blushed lightly, Don't blush idiot! He's tryna kill you and he's a literal criminal.

"Try that again." I suggested as I prepared myself.

He chuckled, "You sure?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Now c'mon."

"You may need a minute, no?" He laughed.

"Nah- But if you need one, that's cool." I returned the laugh.

I believe it ticked him off, because all of a sudden he really did run at me. I jumped to dodge again, but he grabbed my leg, slid and slammed me to the floor.

I groaned, "My...leg."

"Shoulda took the minute- Oh well. Time to finish ya." He smiled and then kicked the knife out of my hands.

It flew up and he caught it with his one hand, "Last words maybe?"

I let out a low grumble. He raised a brow, "What was that?"

He thought I was talking?.....Maybe I'll lure him in...

I grumbled and mumbled again. He squated down and leaned closer, "What was that?"

He was pretty close- I grabbed his arm and flipped him onto the ground. He seemed surprised. He was gonna get up, but I held him down on his stomach as I held his arm turned back.

"Oh how the turn tables- er....I mean-" I blushed embarrassed.

Simons let a laugh escape him, "You're such a dummy."

I rolled my eyes at him and took the sword from his hand, "Any last words?"

"Do it....you wont." He said sounding very confident.

I'll admit...Simons knew how to get under my skin. I cleared my throat, "And why's that?"

"I spared your life. So obviously, you'll spare mine in return." He said.


Well obviously....It's just kind human nature. Y'know, returning favors and all.

I dropped his arm and turned him over to look at me. I kneeled down over him, one leg on either side. I held him down still. I moved the knife to his neck, "What makes you so sure?"

"You're a good person." He said.

I blushed, "Th- Thankyou..." I cleared my throat, "Obviously, I'm gonna spare your life this time and then we'll be even. And the next one will really be the last one."

"Right." He agreed.

"Still- I feel as though I deserve a reward for catching you while injured." I smiled and thought to myself.

"To be fair- I went easy on you." Simons said tryna take away this win.

"Still- A win is a win, Simons." I chuckled.

"Okay...So what're you gonna do?" He asked. He seemed anxious and ready to escape or leave my grasp.

"I think I deserve to see under the hood now, don't you?" I smirked and grabbed the hood.

Simons began squirming, "No! Please! Ranboo seriously!- Don't!"

Why won't he beg for his life?- But he'll beg for me not to remove the hood.

I raised a brow, "I don't see nor understand why not?"

"I- I'm....self conscious. You wouldn't understand..." Simons answered quietly.

Oh but I do.

I used to wear my hood and a pair of shades all the time.....I couldn't stand the sight of myself in the mirror. I seriously had this strong belief of how disgusting and ugly my appearance was.

Luckily for me...I quickly copped. Now for the most part, I'm pretty good.

"I'm sure whatever you look like underneath this hood....is absolutely beautiful." I smiled.

I don't have a crush or anything-

I just truly have sympathy.

Tommy POV

I act so confident about myself. I like to think I'm well rounded....but really I never thought of myself as much to look at.

I know my looks seem to hypnotize people, but I guess I just had my own standard of myself....And I never met it.

It's partly why even when I'm not disguised, I wear my hood. It's just- way more comfortable.

"I'm sure whatever you look like underneath this hood....is absolutely beautiful." He smiled kindly, sympathetically, and- beautifully in a way.

I blushed brightly, "C- Can I go now?"

"No sorry, I'd like you to lay of the crime for two days until I'm better. So when we fight I can be healthy and in perfect shape. That way no 'what ifs', hm?" He suggested.

I scoffed, "No. This was already one day. So this day plus tomorrow....I'll lay of the crime."

He smiled again, "Perfect. Thanks Simons."

He let me go and I pushed him off then stood up, "I'm sure I'll see you within the next two days."

"Looking forward to it." He said and stood up, "Oh!- And here." He handed me the disinfectant and the wrap for wounds, "Thanks by the way."

I took it then put it in my satchel. I awkwardly waved and then ran off into the forest. I ran super quickly, He was so nice to me. He complimented me....And he even spared my life.

Red blush crept upon my cheeks. I threw my hood off and smiled. I pocketed my shades as I ran smiling, He called me beautiful! Not 'Cloak Boy'....Simons.

Ranboo POV

As he ran into the forest he quickly disappeared from my sight. I sighed, It's too bad one of has to die in the end.

I wish there was a way....A way for me to save you Simons. Not only from me killing you, but from your ways.

1,035 words
So sorry I was late. I'll try to do it earlier tomorrow. And I'm also sorry I haven't updated the other books, I haven't had time. Though the chapters are just sitting there. So tomorrow I'll update them all really early! :]
Mkay, Later Gaymers and Gamers <3

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