||Chapter 27||

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Ranboo POV

Simons acted differently then before. Completely different from anything I've ever seen from him. It was....a whole other person. Like his soul left his body and...It was just- different.

I mean- Sure I was at gun point and all I should be thinking about is how afraid I am to die. Or even ways to get out of this, but- He just...I dunno what it is about him. His whole personality is incredibly attractive.

And I think at some point I did start liking him....I just liked er- I like Cloak Boy more. Plus. Coming to terms with the fact you think a thief you're trying to kill for money is attractive, is well- difficult.

That said...It still doesn't change anything. It doesn't change the fact he could change for the better. That I want him to stop the nonsense crime and make an honest living. I wouldn't even mind being his friend.

And who knows!? Maybe if he did change, and I could get to know him and perhaps- It doesn't work with Tommy....This Simons guy is- relatable. I may not know what he looks like- and it all feels so similar to falling for Cloak Boy, but I fell for a personality this time. Simons' personality.

What I'm saying is- if nothing had gone well with Tommy then....Simons would be a for sure option. But none of that works unless he changes. Not completely, just stops the crime. That's why for my possible last words- I tried not to be selfish. Instead I tried helping him out.

Simons loaded and I heard the gun click. I took a shaky breath.

I didn't know wether to try and dodge or not. I had no idea what to do. I've never been held at gun point. Sure I've taken down many criminals and thieves, but I would naturally just catch them with ease.

This time around it was different. No ease- and nothing came just naturally. It was all a mystery and a crazy game.

Simons took a shaky breath and gulped. He kept the gun on me then took a few steps back. I saw his shoulders move up and down as he tried maintaining his composure. His hands shook and he looked well- frail.

Helpless, weak, and frail.

He sniffled and took a quick breath then told me, "I'm sorry."

I couldn't be sure what he meant. There were so many things he could be some what 'sorry' for. But there was so many possibilities. And it could be that he wasn't even referring to me at all.

Sorry about stabbing me in the leg?

All the crime he's done?

That I lost?

For going to kill me?

That he tricked me- multiple times on end?


I wish I knew, but- It didn't seem he wanted to uh- elaborate much.

I frowned and opened my mouth to speak, but I chose not to as I heard him begin to whisper and mumble things to himself.

Frightening things, sure.

Concerning things, definetly.

But ultimately- Alone.

Very much alone words. If there is one way to describe them....it's alone.

Tommy POV

I could barely feel my arms- let alone my legs. And my head?- My brain?- Well I wasn't fucking working anymore. I was just flesh and bones put here to rot.

"No purpose!" I whispered yelled at myself, "No fucking love for you. No friendships for you to fucking destroy. No more family for you to end up getting killed. No more you."

Ranboo frowned and seemed- Well actually I don't know. I wasn't sure how he was feeling, I assume he thought I was crazy if anything. So...It doesn't matter.

What does is that-

I'm finally ready.

Tommy if it's what I think it is- no.

C'mon Tubbo, it's the only way I'll forgive myself. The only way.....to let go.

No Tommy, do this and none of us will forgive you- ever. Tommy. No.

I'm sorry I've failed you again- Its kind of a reoccuring pattern, huh?

No. You've never failed me Tom. But you will right now, if you do that.

Would it be so bad?


Would it be so bad to give me a little truth before it's done. C'mon Tubbo- just go off for once. I know you've been waiting.

Bullshit! Tom I never lied about it! I do forgive you for whatever you feel is your fault! But I don't fucking blame you! And if you want me to go off- I fucking will! Not about what you want....But about what I want you to get through your thick skull.

Go on then.

You're so lucky Tommy! You're so incredibly lucky! You're fucking alive! You're breathing Tom! But you're not fucking living! You never fucking live when you've been so damn fortunate to be alive! And y'know what?! If you want me to be so fucking brutally honest with you- It pisses me off! That you get to make it to 18, that you get to love. That you get the oppprtunity to experience so many different things and me?!- I'm fucking dead Tommy! Realize it! I'm not comong back!

So you do bla-

Shut the fuck up and listen. I dont blame you for anything. Understand that.

Tubbo I've been trying.

Look Tommy, I'm mad that you wont try and be happy. I'm so mad that you won't tell Ranboo you love him. I'm so frustrated on how you won't just forget about me and forgive yourself. So incredibly upset about how you won't let yourself live.

Tommy if I'm gonna be dead and in your head for the rest of your life- I want to see you live. Not just be alive, but truly live. If not for you, live your life for me Tommy. Maybe you don't want to see yourself happy, but if you want me happy then I'm telling you now.

The only thing that'll make me happy is you living your life. Not of crime Tommy, anything but this. What I want for you most is love. Please don't let it go to shit.

I'm sorry.

Ranboo POV

As I watched Simons basically crumble before me, I swear I saw tears drop to the floor. This strong, confident, skilled, talented, amazing person was breaking.

Now I didn't know why. And I wasn't so sure it was for me.....I think he was having trouble with himself.

And that was confirmed...When he fell to his knees and pointed the gun to his head.

1,100 words
Okay, see you tomorrow or possibly later today. Not sure, bye!

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